I'm God 3, oil on canvas (195 x 155cm) by Vietnamese artist Lê Quang Hà


The event, titled Fine Art Works of Representative Asian Artists, is the first of its kind hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Visitors will have the chance to view paintings and sculptures as well as diversified styles of arts and culture.


Raining Day, acrylic on canvas (145 x 112cm), by Leo Hee Tong, Singapore.



The ministry intends to host the event every two years.

Love Storm, coppersculpture (70 x 40 x 30cm), by Tạ Quang Bạo,Việt Nam.



The organisers hope to encourage exchanges and creativity among artists as well as advertise domestic fine art to the international market.

The Golden Land, mixed media on wood, acrylic, oil, abacus, wood carving and gold leaf (125 x 100cm), by Kamol Tassananchalee,Thailand.



“I hope this interesting event will kick off international high-quality art projects in the near future,” said painter Trịnh Tuân.

Chess on Air, oil on canvas (165 x 85cm), by Ng Bee,Malaysia.



The exhibition is open at the Vincom Centre for Contemporary Arts, B1-R3, Royal City 72A Nguyễn Trãi Street, Thanh Xuân District, Hà Nội. — VNS