vietnamnet bridge

Update news vietnamnet bridge

‘Super committee’ applauded as it will stop governing body

Though observers have different views about the establishment of a ‘super committee’ to manage state capital and assets in enterprises, they agree that the current policy will come to an end.

Vietnam continues to develop coal-fired power despite environmental risks

Vietnam had a bumper year in attracting FDI (foreign direct investment) in 2017. The three coal-fired thermal power projects registered by Japanese investors had total capital of $7 billion.

Female scientist to make drugs to support cancer treatment

Of the 102 medicinal plants used by Pako-Van Kieu ethnic people in the Central Region to treat diseases, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoai has found 30 species containing antioxidants with the ability to kill cancer cells.

VN plans to send unemployed university graduates to Japan

Vietnamese are the second largest community of expat workers in Japan, which employs 1.28 million foreign workers, just after China. 

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc arrives in Laos for government committee meeting

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc arrived in Wattay international airport in Laos’s capital city of Vientiane on the morning of February 4 for the 40th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-government Committee to which he is the co-chair.

Muong woman brings light to her village

For many ethnic people, solar energy is a new concept, but Pham Thi Nam, a 50-year-old Muong woman from Dong Luong Commune in Thanh Hoa Province’s Lang Chanh District, now knows what it’s all about.

It’s time to build satellite cities

Nguyen Hong Thuc, director general of the Viet Nam Union of Science and Technology Associations’ Settlement Research Institute, talks to the Tuoi tre newspaper about the need to adjust development strategies ...

Stocks thrive as market reaches new highs

The current rise of the stock market reminds investors of days 10 years ago, when any purchase would bring high profits to investors.

Quang Tri’s barefoot "bank owner" helps farmers escape poverty

 VietNamNet Bridge – Dang Quang Huu, 44, of Dakrong District in the central province of Quang Tri, is known as a bank owner who has risen from owning nothing to offering loans to 600 poor local households. 

Vietnam fears effects of US tax bill on foreign investment

Tax reform passed by the US Congress at the end of last year may affect Vietnam’s economy as US investors are likely to send their investment back home, where the CIT rate has been slashed, Vietnamese economic experts have warned.

Property sales rise in January

 The domestic property market reported more sales in January compared to December 2017, according to the Ministry of Construction’s Housing and Property Market Management Department.

VN cities plan for urban green growth

 With the urban green growth development plan to 2030 recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Viet Nam is hastening the transformation of its urban economic growth model towards green growth and climate change adaptation.

VN seeks to accelerate agricultural restructuring

Accelerating agricultural restructuring towards large-scale and high-tech production became critical for the sector involving 70 per cent of the country’s population but contributing just below 20 per cent of the country’s GDP.

Social News 4/2

Stakeholders share int’l experiences on bear bile farming, Education, health, gender equality top SDG priorities: survey, Scholarships, gifts given to people in need ahead of Tet, Vietnam to raise forest coverage, exports

Vietnam seeks to boost ties with US states

 Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh has had a working visit to Florida and Arkansas States of the US to boost partnerships between the localities and Vietnam, especially in economy, trade, investment and education.

Trinh Xuan Thanh claims innocence, Dinh La Thang asks for leniency

Twelve out of 22 defendants in the “deliberately violating State regulations on economic management, causing severe consequences” case in PetroVietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation (PVC), have lodged their appeals.

Friendship insignia granted to Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam

 Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hong Xiaoyong has been awarded the insignia “For Peace and Friendship among Nations”, the most notable reward of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO).

Vietnam’s rice export to enjoy prosperous year in 2018

 Vietnam shipped nearly 6 million tones of rice in 2017, up one million tones compared to the year before. Continuing the success, since the beginning of 2018, many enterprises have earned high price orders.

Nhue-Day river basin polluted despite clean-up efforts

The Nhue-Day river basin continues to suffer from pollution despite a range of environmental protection projects that have been carried out by several agencies, including Hanoi's Department of Natural Resources and Environment. 

Fight for gender equality is not for women only

 VietNamNet Bridge – Awareness of continued gender inequality in Vietnam has grown in the last several years, though the goal of eliminating gender discrimination has not brought equality to all Vietnamese women.