durian exports

Update news durian exports

Thailand becomes Vietnam's second largest durian importer

Thailand, the world’s biggest durian exporter with a total export turnover of 7 billion USD, became Vietnam's second largest importer of this fruit in the first four months of 2024.

Businesses call for stricter management of durian industry

Amid a boom in durian exports, businesses are calling for strict management mechanisms in the industry to help growers develop sustainably.

Durian exports gross US$253 million in first quarter

Vietnam raked in US$253 million from exporting nearly 57,000 tonnes of durian during the first quarter of the year, representing an increase of 42% in volume and an rise of 63.7% in value on-year.

Durian rises in price to nearly VND1 million per kilo

Durian flesh price has soared to VND850,000 per kilogram, even though Vietnam produces one million tons of the fruit a year.

Some durian shipments to China warned over food safety

The Plant Protection Department received GACC’s warnings and asked enterprises which owned these violating shipments to comply with the regulations on origin tracing, recalling and handling.

Durian emerging as 'golden fruit' among Vietnam's exports

Vietnam is striving to further assert its durian export position and join the billion-dollar export industry with the current advantages in hand, coupled with efforts to better the fruit quality.

Vietnam’s Ri6 durian now available in UK

Ri6 durian, a specialty from the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, is now available in the UK market for the first time, announced the Vietnam Trade Office in the UK.