

Duong Coc Lake is located in Dien Ha Commune, Ba Thuoc District, around 100 kilometers from the province’s Thanh Hoa City. Weary travelers who travel hours to get to the destination are rewarded by a charming view of the lake surrounded by mountains.

The location used to be a field in a valley lying between Den and Ne villages. It was then turned into Duong Coc Reservoir that receives water from the Den Mountain stream and groundwater. The 50-hectare lake has a maximum depth of more than 40 meters. Several small islets in the middle of the lake are filled with lush green vegetation.

A boat trip on the lake is a must-try, during which travelers can enjoy the blowing breeze and peaceful scenery. They can witness a beautiful sunset view, the last sunrays of the day shining through white clouds covering mountain peaks, forest canopies and the lake surface.

Travelers enjoy a boat trip around Duong Coc Lake

Travelers can also opt for overnight camping by the lake, and order dinner featuring specialties of the Muong ethnic people. These can be ordered from the Muong families living nearby. The Dien family is among them. The delicious scent of grilled fish and chicken cooked by Dien’s daughter, who is a great cook, is hard to resist. She is friendly and loves talking to guests while dishing out the specialties.

All the dishes are displayed on a long table covered by a big banana leaf. It’s the Muong people’s style, the daughter says.

Nights at Duong Coc Lake are often bustling as groups of campers gather around their tents and enjoy the local specialties by the lake. The following morning, they admire the sunrise while drinking a cup of hot coffee.

A weekend trip to Duong Coc Lake may be just the way to recharge yourself to prepare for the week ahead.

Source: Saigon Times

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