This 'market' is located behind the Tan Sa Chau Church on Le Van Si Street.

It is a charity spot set up by the Tan Sa Chau parish community since 2016. The items are used and donated by other people to those are in need.

At first, the charity spot was opened twice a year in June and December. After the church opened a charity kitchen for the poor, the number of people went in and out increased sharply.

Looking at the poor people with torn clothes, the parish decided to open the location from Monday to Saturday all year round.

A local man said he had had a stroke and couldn't move around like before. He wanted a new pair of shoes but couldn't afford it after the stroke.

"I've come here many times and today I finally found a pair of shoes that fit. My old shoes were torn a long time ago," he said.

There are also toys and school supplies for children. A boy wanted to take several toys with him but was stopped by this mother who said he should leave other toys for other children.

50-year-old Minh from Hoc Mon District said his wife was sick so he had to take care of the children.

"The money I earn as a motorbike taxi driver is not much. Thanks to this charity spot that I have good shirts to wear," he said.

Tran Viet Hop, head of the Tan Sa Chau Parish Pastoral Council, said many poor people had been helped after the charity spot was set up.

"There is no religious discrimination. What we hope only people who really are in need should come to the Zero-dong Market so that we can help them overcome difficult times," he said.



An old man tries on a pair of shoes.



Some people are finding thing things they need.




















Tran Chanh Nghia