Hai tuyến cáp quang biển quốc tế APG, IA đã được sửa xong


With a total length of 6,800 km, the cable was put into operation in November 2009. The Intra Asia - IA undersea cable connects Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Japan. This is considered an important route to transmit data to the Americas and Europe for customers in Vietnam and the region. The cable was repaired from February 18-27.

Another undersea cable, the Asia Pacific Gateway (APG), was fixed on February 27. After nearly three months of interruption due to problems in two branches to Japan and Hong Kong (China), the APG cable has resumed its normal operation.

Officially put into operation from mid-December 2016, the APG cable route has a length of about 10,400 km, with connection points in China, Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China), Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. APG cable has investment from Vietnamese network operators VNPT, Viettel, FPT Telecom, and CMC Telecom and contributes to a stable transmission line with a larger capacity for Internet users in Vietnam.

At this moment, only the Asia America Gateway (AAG) cable has not been fixed.

As an undersea optical cable route connecting Southeast Asia with the US, AAG was officially put into operation in November 2009. Over the years, this cable line has often encountered problems.

The last time, the AAG cable had a problem on the evening of October 22, 2021. The incident caused the loss of all traffic from Vietnam to international routes. At that time, the cable management unit said the error was to be fixed by mid-December 2021.

However, after that, Vietnamese ISPs received notices about delaying the repair. By 3:00 pm on December 29, 2021, the error on the branch connecting to Singapore was fixed. However, the problem on the S1I cable to Hong Kong (China) with three error points has not been fixed yet. According to the latest schedule, the time to complete the repair is March 13, 2022.

Van Anh

Underwater cable problem results in slow internet speed in Vietnam

Underwater cable problem results in slow internet speed in Vietnam

In addition to the two international submarine cables, AAG and APG, which have had problems since last year, the Intra-Asia (IA) submarine cable broke down on February