Hàng triệu khách hàng ở 21 tỉnh, thành phố phía Nam được giảm giá điện

This policy will be implemented in two phases, from June to the end of 2021.

Specifically, in the first phase, 5,347 clients will enjoy a total reduction of VND 337.11 billion of power prices and power bills. The group of clients eligible for electricity price and electricity bill reduction this time include: 4,052 tourist accommodation establishments; 628 quarantine sites; 592 medical facilities and 75 electricity retailing units.

In phase 4, about 7.2 million household customers will benefit from the program, with a total value VND833.74 billion, including over 4.82 million customers who use up to 200 kWh/month; over 2.38 million customers who use over 200 kWh/month; and 7,102 customers who purchase power at wholesale price.

The time of aid is for the August and September electricity bill of 2021.

Previously, the corporation reduced electricity prices and electricity bills for the first time for customers in 21 southern provinces and cities (except HCM City) for the three months of May, June and July 2020 with a total value of over 3,500 billion VND.

In the second time, it slashed electricity prices and electricity bills for more than 7.5 million customers in October, November and December 2020 with a total value of 866 billion VND.

In June and July 2021, the corporation reduced electricity prices and electricity bills for 4,037 customers who were affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, with a total value of nearly 54 billion VND.

Tuan Kiet

HCMC approves second Covid relief package worth VND900 billion

HCMC approves second Covid relief package worth VND900 billion

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Support for people requires quick action, decisions amid pandemic

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