The alley can be found located near Giac Hai pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City, with visitors easily able to find Buddha statues in different shapes and colours.

The process of creating giant Buddha statues requires large molds.

Only skilled craftsmen who have studied for several years are able to create statues with a high-artistic value. A craftsman works to add minute details to a huge statue.

Whether the statue is small or large, simple or complex, it must be meticulously created so that it can be considered beautiful and soulful to viewers.

Each person carries out one stage while making the Buddha statues.

The price of the statues ranges in cost from VND100,000 to several millions of dong, with factors such as their size, materials, and sophistication all taken into consideration.

The craft village is the workplace of nearly 70 workers, the majority of whom are men, with the skill being passed down the generations.

Their products have been famous for years with craftsmen receiving numerous orders from across the country.

Their products are not only sold locally but are also exported to many foreign countries such as the United States and Canada where many Vietnamese expats are living.

Here are some photos taken inside the craft village


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