In a brief report about textbooks for general education, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) said many organizations and individuals submitted their work in time to ensure use for the new program.
The textbooks for first, second, third, sixth, seventh and 10th graders have been approved by the Minister of MOET for use at general schools. The textbooks for 4th, 8th and 11th grades are being examined, while the textbooks for 5th, 9th and 12th graders are being compiled.
Regarding the authors, the ministry said many organizations, teachers, scientists and education experts were invited to do the compilation.
There are six publishing houses that compile and distribute textbooks, namely the Vietnam Education Publishing House, University of Education Publishing House, HCMC University of Education Publishing House, HCM City National University Publishing House, Vinh University Publishing House and Hue City University Publishing House.
Three organizations compile textbooks, including VPBOX Vietnam Education Development JSC, Vietnam Educational Equipment – Publication Investment JSC (VEPIC), and Victoria Education Publications Development and Investment JSC.
Prestigious educators and scientists with experience and compilation capacity are from education universities, specialized schools, research institutes and general education establishments. The authors are editors-in-chief, chief editors and members of the compilation boards.
According to MOET, 1,574 authors compiled textbooks for six grades, including 221 for 1st grade, 199 for 2nd, 234 for 3rd, 276 for 6th, 318 for 7th and 382 for 10th grades.
The authors were trained in textbook compilation and they met the standards for compiling textbooks in accordance with Circular 33.
More than two-thirds of the authors have doctoral degrees or higher.
Regarding the quality of textbooks, MOET said textbooks have good structure and content under the regulations on textbooks. Materials and images are used properly, with no violations of regulations on national sovereignty and authors’ records, with no political, diplomatic, ethnic or religious sensitivities.
The content and methods of teaching, and assessment of students’ abilities all satisfy the requirements needed in terms of students’ abilities stipulated in the curricula of subjects and education activities.
However, problems still exist. Some content and terminologies used in textbooks do not ensure connectivity among subjects and education activities.
There are still considerable differences among different textbooks in the content of lessons for the same subjects. In addition to content mistakes, many spelling, language and image errors have been found.
Thanh Hung