Six young men are dead and six others, including a woman, are in critical condition in hospital after a tragic accident on September 8 at a karaoke parlour in the northern province of Quang Ninh.


The karaoke parlous where the incident occured.

The Hai Ha district People’s Committee reports at approximately 9pm on September 7 a group of 12 young people rented a room at the Club Queen owned by Nguyen Huu Tien to sing karaoke.

At roughly 9:30pm, a power outage occurred due to a storm and a portable generator was brought in to power the karaoke system. The group stayed in the room overnight.

At 3.30pm on September 8, all of the youths were discovered, apparently asphyxiated by the carbon monoxide fumes emitted by the generator.




Victims at the hospital.


Six were pronounced dead at the scene while six others were unconscious and they were rushed to a hospital nearby, where they remain in critical condition.

Hai Ha district’s police in coordination with relevant authorities are continuing to investigate the incident.