Gần 1,3 triệu lao động tự do ảnh hưởng dịch Covid-19 nhận hỗ trợ

After a month implementing Resolution 68, tens of millions of people have benefited from the policy, and millions of workers have received cash support.



According to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, by August 16, 37 out of 63 provinces and cities approved a list of nearly 1.27 million freelance workers and other specific subjects who benefit from the government’s aid. Of these, there are over 100,000 lottery ticket vendors.

As many as 28 of 63 provinces and cities (mainly in the southern region) have given support for nearly 962,000 people, with a total budget of nearly VND 1,364 billion.

In addition, local governments have aided nearly 164,000 people listed as specific subjects with a total budget of over VND 182.3 billion.

After a month implementing Resolution 68, tens of millions of people have benefited from the policy, and millions of workers have received cash support.

According to Vietnam Social Security, to support pandemic-affected employees and employers, 238 agencies in 35 of 63 provinces are allowed to suspend payment of retirement and survivorship funds with a total amount of over VND 292 billion.

Social security agencies in 60 of 63 provinces have confirmed the list of 274,610 employees of 15,179 units to enjoy support policies from the State, including 178,280 employees of 14,044 units who have temporarily suspended contracts or taken unpaid leave.

Over 15,230 employees who have temporarily quit their jobs without pay at 526 organizations received VND1 million/person.

Particularly, over 375,000 units employing over 11.2 million employees have been exempted from paying to the occupational accident and disease insurance fund, with a total value of over VND4.3 trillion.

Gia Van – Kien Trung

Nearly 300 tons of food distributed to Covid-19-infected people

Nearly 300 tons of food distributed to Covid-19-infected people

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PM asks localities to ensure support for residents amid COVID-19

PM asks localities to ensure support for residents amid COVID-19

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has asked localities to ensure support for residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.