Successfully convened for 17 consecutive years, CAEXPO is a high-level dialogue platform of concerted efforts. According to statistics, the past 17 CAEXPOs attracted the participation of 97 state leaders and more than 3,400 high ranking guests from ASEAN and China. The strongest voices of China-ASEAN cooperation have been gathered through keynote speeches, leaders’ meetings and ministerial consultations, etc. to vigorously promote the in-depth development of strategic partnership between the two sides.

The 18th CAEXPO will continue to deliver the friendly signal of China-ASEAN cooperation, with the participation of Chinese and ASEAN state leaders at the opening ceremony and many high-end activities.



CAEXPO to elevate economic and trade cooperation

With the help of CAEXPO, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has developed vigorously, business opportunities from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) have been continuously expanded, and fruitful cooperation has brought peoples of both sides with tangible benefits. In 2020, ASEAN has become China's largest trading partner for the first time in history. In the first half of 2021, the import and export volume between China and ASEAN reached $410.76 billion, a year-on-year increase of 38.2%.

The past 17 CAEXPOs have attracted a total of 926,000 Chinese and ASEAN participants, and made a series of important achievements in goods trade, investment cooperation and international production capacity cooperation, which have effectively promoted the upgrading and development of China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation.

The 18th CAEXPO will continue to promote cooperation between the two sides. The exhibition contents will be optimized and economic and trade activities covering production capacity, digital economy, science and technology, environmental protection, etc.

Delegations from 31 provinces, regions and cities in China have confirmed their participation. ASEAN countries will use exhibition area of about 12,600 square meters, with the presence of many leading corporations. The normalized operation of on-line CAEXPO throughout the year will greatly enhance the effectiveness of economic and trade cooperation.

CAEXPO to enhance innovation in science-technology

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to the world economy, and all economies are looking for new growth momentum.

Secretary-General of ASEAN Lim Jock Hoi said in his speech via video at the 17th CAEXPO: “During this pandemic, digital technologies have provided an important lifeline in the economies of ASEAN, particularly in connecting people and in supporting essential activities through e-commerce.”

Digital economy has become an important cooperation field to promote the stable development of China-ASEAN strategic partnership, and innovation in science and technology has always been the “password” to the vitality of CAEXPO.

The previous CAEXPOs have built a series of exhibition activities on innovative elements, focusing on the docking of innovative technologies and improving trade and economic effectiveness. In the meantime, the exhibition structure has been innovated and optimized, cooperation fields expanded, and high-end forums successfully held, all of which have injected bountiful innovative elements into China-ASEAN cooperation.

At the intersection of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations and the Year of China-ASEAN Sustainable Development Cooperation, enhancing innovation in science and technology and deepening cooperation on digital economy are the highlights of the 18th CAEXPO.

Such activities include the 9th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation and the Advanced Technology Section at CAEXPO. Agreements or memorandums between China and several ASEAN countries on technology transfer will be signed, and China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Alliance will be established. The China-ASEAN Artificial Intelligence Summit will pragmatically accelerate the construction of China-ASEAN Information Port.

CAEXPO to strengthen cooperation against the epidemic

Since 2020, CAEXPO has boosted China-ASEAN anti-epidemic cooperation in the face of major challenge by COVID-19.

After the debut in the 17th CAEXPO, the public epidemic prevention and health section will be set up at the 18th CAEXPO, with its aim to display the achievements of epidemic prevention and control and business opportunities in the big health industry, and to promote international cooperation on epidemic prevention oriented for ASEAN.

At the same time, Guangxi-Vietnam Border Area AIDS Program and Training Course of the Lancang-Mekong Cross Border Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Project will help implement the “China-ASEAN Human Resources Training Program”. In addition, the International Medical Innovation and Cooperation Forum and special promotion seminars, the China-ASEAN Summit for Drug Development and Cooperation, International Forum on Traditional Medicine and Health Tourism, etc. will also fully promote the construction of health community for mankind from all levels.

Over the past 17 years, CAEXPO has pursued development, advocated win-win results and conveyed hope, building a large platform for China-ASEAN cooperation and witnessing the extraordinary course of China-ASEAN development. The 18th CAEXPO will continue this road.