A 16-seat vehicle belonging to Phuong Trang Bus company is being used to support the transport of Covid-19 patients. Photo: vnexpress.net 

Since mid-July, all ambulances at public and private medical facilities in the city have been used to transport emergency COVID-19 patients. But the number has been insufficient.

Mai Linh Group has provided 200 taxis to the 115 Emergency Aid Centre. Eighty of them are equipped with medical oxygen cylinders, ventilators, rapid tests, and medical staff accompanying the driver.

According to a representative of Mai Linh Group, 120 taxis are waiting to be supplied with medical equipment and be put into use.

The drivers of these vehicles will stay in hospitals and medical facilities and have already received one or two vaccinations.

In addition, Phuong Trang Bus Joint Stock Company has provided more than 200 vehicles with 16-seat each. It has also converted them into ambulances to support localities carrying F0 cases and serious cases to hospitals.

All passenger seats were removed to make way for the medical equipment. Drivers must strictly follow the 5K message, be equipped with protective gear, and have medical training.

Previously, the company gave 250 cars to transport medical staff to take samples to quarantine areas and field hospitals.

The Saigon Bus Joint Stock Company has gathered 40 vehicles with 10 to 45 seats to support the health sector.

In May last year, this unit mobilized 30 vehicles to transport patients to quarantine areas.

Truong Quoc Huy, executive vice president of SaigonBus, said the 115 Emergency Aid Centre arranges schedules and pick-up locations with the company every day. Medical units in the district can contact the company, which will dispatch vehicles as required.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Long, director of the centre, said that thanks to the support of transport companies the city’s health sector has increased its capacity to treat patients.

According to Long, the city has set up five field hospitals located in districts 12, 11, Binh Tan, Binh Chanh and Thu Duc districts.

Each hospital has 20 ambulances with 280 medical staff and professionals. The converted vehicles belonging to Phuong Trang and Mai Linh units also operate at these hospitals.

Source: Vietnam News

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