The workshop, entitled 'Enablers for Digital Economy Development in Vietnam', was organised by Dau tu (Investment) Newspaper and updated participants on new moves in the development of the digital infrastructure, ecosystem and economy of Vietnam.

Speaking at the event, Investment Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Le Trong Minh said developing digital platforms would be a breakthrough solution to promote faster digital transformation, reduce costs and increase efficiency. His statement reflects a basic tenet of the country's National Digital Transformation Programme.

“International cooperation is an important solution to implement the digital transformation, especially promoting digital transformation in society. Vietnamese organisations and businesses cooperate with large technology enterprises worldwide to research, develop, transfer and pioneer the application of new technologies and new models in Vietnam," said Minh.

“This is an opportunity for experts and business leaders to share more experiences and lessons learned from domestic and foreign practices, as well as recommendations and solutions to successfully solve problems, contributing to creating a driving force for digital transformation and accelerating the digital economy in Vietnam," added Minh.

The digital economy includes all economic activities that use technology and data as its main input factor, uses the digital environment as its main operating space or uses information and telecommunications technology to increase labour productivity, innovate business models and optimise economic structure.

Vietnam has set a goal that by 2025 and 2030, the digital economy will contribute 20% and 30% of GDP, respectively. Vietnam strives to be among the 30 leading countries in the information technology, innovation and competitiveness index by the end of this decade.

To achieve this goal, 5G technology will play an important role.

Head of the Digital Transformation Department at MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation Nguyen Tuan Huy said: “The goal of the digital transformation is to increase business efficiency, labour productivity and work efficiency and improve service quality for customers. Digital transformation is optimising a company's processes in all operating departments, eliminating work that does not bring value to the business.”

"Digital transformation is not simply the use of digital technology in socio-economic activities, but also the process of establishing a new, advanced and modern production method - the digital production method," said Huy.

According to President of Ericsson Vietnam Rita Mokbel, 5G has the potential to be a game-changer across a wide range of industries, enabling automation, improving productivity and streamlining resource management. Sectors like manufacturing, logistics and smart cities will benefit the most.

“For Vietnam, 5G will play a critical role in advancing Industry 4.0, attracting foreign investments and driving economic growth. Private 5G networks, in particular, will allow businesses to innovate and reduce costs while providing telecom operators with new revenue opportunities. Overall, 5G will be instrumental in Vietnam’s goal to achieve a digital economy that is expected to contribute 20% of its GDP by 2025,” stressed Mokbel.

Deputy General Secretary of the Vietnam Digital Communications Association Hoang Viet Tien said that Vietnam's internet has gone through many stages of development amid its digital transformation, and noted that the development of AI in the next few years will be especially stormy.

“In the coming period, to successfully deploy the digital transformation and digital infrastructure, three parties are needed, including managers, network operators and solution providers, and end users. In particular, end users need to be trained, solution and infrastructure providers need to provide user-friendly solutions and State management agencies need to issue circular decrees and specific instructions,” said Tien.

Experts also said that in order to create the foundation for the digital transformation, developing digital infrastructure and getting ready to meet the explosive demand for connection and data processing will play an important role for Vietnam.

These include building and developing high-quality broadband infrastructure nationwide; re-planning frequency bands, developing 5G mobile network infrastructure and rapidly commercialising the 5G mobile network; and expanding regional and international internet connections, especially developing undersea fibre optic cables to make Vietnam a regional connection centre, along with developing Internet of Things (IoT) connection infrastructure./. VNA