VietNamNet Bridge – More than 7,000 local and foreign runners from 52 countries and territories will race in the 2018 Manulife Da Nang International Marathon – one of the top marathon destinations in Southeast Asia.


A runner in the last year’s Manulife Da Nang International Marathon. More than 7,000 runners will race this year on August 12. — VNS Photo Cong Thanh

The race along beach track in the central city will be held on August 12.

Organisers, the World Marathon Company and Pulse Active, said at a press conference on yesterday that since 2013, each marathon has had a record number of entries.

It said 900 runners had registered in the full-marathon 42km, 1,700 athletes have signed up for the 21km event, and more than 1,000 people will take part in the 10km race.

The 5km FunRun has seen as the largest number of participants in the history of the race with 3,400 runners.

A representative of the race’s organising committee, Duong Thu Huong said this year will feature 200 children in the pre-marathon 1km Ronny Dash Gong Cha on August 11.

She said the kid’s race aims to create a fun for youngsters who accompany with their parents to the event, and all children will receive medals at the finish.

This year’s race, the 6th edition has the message ‘Because I love Da Nang’, race from East Sea Park to cross through bridges, Tran Thi Ly and Thuan Phuoc, and beach track in Son Tra peninsula.

According to the organising committee, many prizes worth VND300 million (US$13,200) will be awarded for the winners at the race.

The race will see athletes from the Shonan International Marathon from Japan, and the two best Vietnamese marathoners (men’s and women’s divisions) will get free entries for the Shonan International Marathon on December 12 in Japan this year.

Donors have contributed more than $11,600 to help the poor, the disabled persons and Agent Orange victims before the race starts this weekend, the race’s organisers said at the press conference.

Huong said a series of environmental protection activities will be held during the race, while shopping and food stalls are opened to introduce local lifestyle and culture of the city.

The US veteran Dennis Zaborac and members of the Silver Strider Club from the US will also join the race to promote a healthy lifestyle and to give a voice to older runners and walkers.

They will also donate to help the underprivileged people during the race.

Meanwhile, the Eat Play Surf also selected the Manulife Da Nang International Marathon as one of the 10 best marathons to conquer Southeast Asia and has the most beautiful setting.

Last year, more than 5,700 athletes from 44 countries and territories joined the race, and more than US$21,000 was raised for handicapped people and orphans, Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin, disabled people, the Village of Hope and 15 low-income families in the city.

Japan’s Izawa Satoshi and Lany Cardona from the Philippines won the men’s and women’s 42km in 2017.

The oldest runner of 2017, was Noriko Sakota, 72, from Japan, who completed the 42km race in three hours and 35.39 minutes.

The race is the first Vietnamese marathon certified by the International Amateur Athletics Association (IAAF) and the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races. 

Source: VNS