Tri begins his journey early in the morning from Thai Thuy, Thai Binh, and arrives at Ham Rong Martyrs Cemetery in Thanh Hoa province at exactly 10am. Upon arrival, he lights incense in the traditional house before heading to his uncle’s grave to clean and pay his respects.

Tri shared that his uncle, Pham Duy Ban, was a martyr. The family knew his uncle was buried in Thanh Hoa, but despite years of searching, they could not locate his grave.

In 2010, the family held a ceremony to "invite" his uncle’s spirit to Ham Rong Martyrs Cemetery in Thanh Hoa for worship. They built a grave without remains to honor him there.

"The tombstone reads ‘martyr’s grave with unidentified information,’ but our family considers it my uncle’s grave," Tri explained.

For the past 14 years, every year on Martyrs and Invalids' Day, Tri has taken a bus hundreds of kilometers to light incense for his uncle. "If conditions allow, I bring one or two people with me. Otherwise, it’s just me. This year, I left early in the morning to come to Thanh Hoa to light incense for my uncle. Each visit feels like he is right beside me."

Tri doesn't bring elaborate offerings, only some cakes, fruits, and incense. After tending to his uncle’s grave, he goes around to light incense for other martyrs.

During these days, many people come to Ham Rong Martyrs Cemetery to pay their respects to those who served the country.

Ho Thanh Hai, a veteran from Thanh Hoa City, also visits the cemetery every July 27 to honor his fallen comrades.

"In addition to lighting incense and remembering my comrades, I look at the keepsakes stored here. These items, such as combs, lighters, and mirrors, were once carried by soldiers and hold many memories."

Nguyen Thi Hop, born in 1976 and living in Nam Ngan Ward, Thanh Hoa City, visits the cemetery every year on July 27 to light incense at each grave as a tribute.

"Our generation enjoys today’s peace thanks to the immense sacrifices of our forefathers. Every year on this day, I come to pay my respects and teach the younger generation about patriotism," she shared.

Ham Rong Martyrs Cemetery, Thanh Hoa City. Photo: Le Duong

For the past 14 years, every Martyrs and Invalids' Day, Mr. Tri has traveled hundreds of kilometers to pay his respects to his uncle. Photo: Le Duong

Relatives come to pay respects at the family martyr's grave. Photo: Le Duong

Mr. Hai looks at the memorabilia of his comrades. Photo: Le Duong

Le Duong