Ngoc Diep is happy on her wedding day. (Photo: VTCNews)

Ngoc Diep is happy on her wedding day. (Photo: VTCNews)

The prolonged COVID-19 outbreak has prompted couples to delay their weddings, although Ngoc Diep, a female hospital orderly, is a special case as she has organised a virtual wedding with her future husband from Ho Chi Minh City, the epicentre of the latest wave of the pandemic.

Diep is a female orderly of Hanoi-based Bach Mai Hospital and two months ago she volunteered to join frontline forces in their ongoing fight against COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh City. She thought the outbreak would quickly be brought under control and would then be able to return to Hanoi for a wedding in person with her future husband Le Quang Huy.

However, her plans didn’t play out as expected as the number of patients continued to increase considerably. Due to these struggles, Diep felt unease at the thought of her returning for her wedding when her colleagues were struggling to save patients’ lives. As a result, she decided to stay in the hotspot for longer than planned after reaching an agreement with her partner and their respective families.

Not to miss the fixed date for the wedding, she planned to organise the ceremony online herself in the warehouse of Field Hospital No.16 where she was working.

The hospital's leadership present a special gift to the bride. (Photo: VTCNews)

The hospital's leadership present a special gift to the bride. (Photo: VTCNews)

A few days before the wedding, her colleagues found Diep wearing her personal protective clothing, sitting in a corner of the hospital taking part in an engagement ceremony through her phone.

They all felt extremely moved when they learnt about her story. Following this, all of her colleagues got together to secretly plan and organise a special and cozy wedding ceremony at the COVID-19 treatment hospital as a special gift to the female orderly who had devoted herself to the COVID-19 fight far from home. 

They immediately contacted a photography and wedding studio and purchased  several items to decorate the hospital meeting room, transforming it into a special stage for the wedding.

“Surprisingly, all of the items for the wedding such as the bride’s costume, wedding cake, flowers, and decorations were offered free of charge when we came to shops and told them about the story,” said a doctor.

Doctors, nurses and orderlies of the hospital share Diep's joy. (Photo: VTCNews)

Doctors, nurses and orderlies of the hospital share Diep's joy. (Photo: VTCNews)

The wedding day finally arrived on September 29. Diep burst into tears when she received the gifts from her colleagues as she thought the wedding would not be any different from the engagement ceremony held several days earlier.

On learning about Diep’s wedding, the leadership of Bach Mai Hospital asked to join the event. A cozy wedding ceremony connecting the north and the south took place in which there was no party or toasting, but was instead full of joy and congratulations through the screen.

When the wedding ended, the bride seemed to be more motivated than ever for the upcoming arduous journey of saving patients’ lives before returning to Hanoi for a family reunion with her young husband.

Source: VOV