VietNamNet Bridge – A man and his son have become famous after they found agarwood in the core area of the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park.


The windfall worth multi billions of dong

The thing was only out when the local people of the Tram Me village discovered the area where T and his son found agarwood and flocked there to look for this kind of precious herb. Tens of agarwood dealers, who heard about the “windfall,” have also arrived there to hunt for agarwood.

A neighbor of T related that one week ago, T and his son went to the Sa Lu forest belonging to the Phong Nha – Ke Bang to cut some trees to make their house. They suddenly found a dead agarwood tree.

It took T and his son two days to carry the agarwood to their home. During the dead tree exploitation, they luckily discovered a living tree, which is not far away from the dead tree. The living tree was then chopped down and carried in a self-modified truck.

The neighbor said T showed him a clot of concentrated sap, weighing about 15 kilos. According to him, T owns many such clots.

“When we came to see him, T gave every of us a small clot which I later sold for VND1 million,” he said. “I heard that other people, who went to the same place in the forest, have also earned tens of millions of dong.”

However, since the information has been spread out too fast, T has hidden the aloewood for security reason.

T has announced that he would only show the aloewood if someone can pay a deposit of VND100 billion. A dealer said T refused to show the products to him, even though he brought VND50 billion.

Tens of aloewood dealers from Quang Binh, Ha Tinh, Nghe An and HCM City, have been staying in the Tram Me village for the last many days, hoping to make successful deals with T to possess the aloewood.

Meanwhile, T and his son have escaped from people’s sight, because they fear they would be accused by the police.

“I believe that T’s products are very good. The product sample I saw had very high quality,” a dealer said.

Local authorities vow to tighten control

Tien Phong’s reporters, who came to the Phong Nha – Ke Bang some days ago, could see with their eyes a group of forest rangers on the duty at the entrances to the forest.

At the Tro Moong station, barriers have been installed, while the forest rangers here examined thoroughly the trucks going in and out on the Ho Chi Minh Road.

Nguyen Thanh Tinh, who has just taken the office as the Director of the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, said on the phone that he was on the way to the site to investigate the case. He said the leaders of the national park received the information at 10 am of May 7.

The forest rangers discovered two dug holes, next to each other. On one hole, there was no piece of wood left, while on the other hole they could see some fresh splinters.

The police have taken necessary actions to look for T and his family members, and they have been told to arrest them if they put aloewood into transactions.

Nhi Anh