AIC Group’s former chief accountant surrenders hinh anh 1
At the government press conference. (Photo: VNA)

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Security Lieutenant General To An Xo told a government press conference on July 4 that the ministry’s Investigation Police Agency admitted the 46-year-old man who is seeking repentance.

The agency has conducted further procedures to clarify some details of the case, the officer said.

The ministry is also calling on others who are absconding to surrender in order to get lenient sentence recommendations.
The absconders should contact the agency or Vietnamese representative offices in host countries to receive guidance and support in surrendering via phone numbers 069 2321654 or 091 677 7767.

In January, the Hanoi People’s Court passed sentences against 36 defendants for violations related to equipment procurement bidding packages for a hospital project at Dong Nai General Hospital.

Of the defendants, Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, 54, former chairwoman and general director of the AIC Group, was sentenced in absentia to 30 years of imprisonment for "violating regulations on bidding, causing serious consequences" and "giving bribes.”

According to the indictment, in early 2013, when the provincial People's Committee approved Dong Nai Hospital to hire a consultant to adjust the list of specialised medical equipment, Nhan directed many subordinates to collude with investors, consulting units, and companies to ensure that the AIC Group won the bid.

As a result, the AIC Group won 16 packages of medical equipment and construction and installation at the project with a total amount of more than 665.7 billion VND (28.07 million USD), illegally making more than 148 billion VND in profit and causing serious damage to State property.

The indictment determined that to win medical equipment packages at the Dong Nai Hospital Project, Nhan has spent more than 43 billion VND giving bribes./. VNA