air strikes

Update news air strikes

Kobane: New IS push amid US warning on air strikes

 The US and UK have warned that air strikes alone will not prevent Islamic State (IS) fighters from seizing the Syrian town of Kobane.

Syria: US begins air strikes on Islamic State targets

 The US and five Arab allies have launched the first strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.

Obama hails Congress backing for Syria plan

 President Obama has said Congress's backing for his $500m plan to aid moderate Syrian rebels shows the world the US is united against Islamic State.

Islamic State fighter estimate triples – CIA

 The CIA says the Islamic State (IS) militant group may have up to 31,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria - three times as many as previously feared.

Libya crisis: US 'caught off-guard' by air strikes

 The US was "caught off guard" by air strikes against Islamist militia in Libya, a senior official has told the BBC.

Gaza conflict: Truce ends amid fresh fighting

A truce between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza has ended amid fresh air strikes which Israel says were countering rocket fire.