aloe wood

Update news aloe wood

The most famous agarwood creator in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge - The skills of Truong Thanh Khoan, a farmer in Dong Nai province, to create agarwood from the do tram tree (aquilaria crassna) has been described as ‘second to none’. 

Is there a multi-billion dong aloewood treasure in Vietnam?

VietNamNet Bridge – Scientists believe that an aloewood treasure does not exist in nature. Aloewood is very rare in Vietnam, while it is easy to make counterfeit aloewood.

Three policemen arrested in aloes appropriation case

Khanh Hoa Police Agency has prosecuted and arrested three police officers of Khanh Son district for involvement in the aloes wood appropriation case in September 2012, for investigating of abusing powers on duty.