VietNamNet Bridge – Amending the 1992 Constitution is an opportunity for the Communist Party of Vietnam’s innovation to ensure its leadership, said a senior scholar of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration.



Prof. Dr. Tran Ngoc Hien (right).

Speaking at a seminar on draft amendments to the Constitution of 1992 held by the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration, Prof. Dr. Tran Ngoc Hien said that the country’s economic reform cause has gone through more than two decades. If the Party does not focus on innovation itself and not keep up with the change of the real life, the quality of leadership cannot be effective.

The demand of innovation requires changes in terms of method, theory and staff training, and the welcome of different streams of thought, he said.

Prof. Hien also pointed out the “Achilles’ heel,” which must be aware thoroughly during the process of amending the Constitution, related to the market economy. He thinks the starting point of the Vietnamese market economy is a society of small farmers, with high spontaneity.     
"Lenin once said that spontaneity of private ownership is the enemy of socialism. It can nullify the law. Such cases like Tien Lang Van Giang are typical examples," he said.

Regards to Article 6, Prof. Do The Tung disagreed with the provision "the people implement state power in the forms of direct democracy," without giving any explanation about direct democracy.

"Therefore, the draft Constitution needs to clearly specify the methods to practice direct democracy and the agencies for representative democracy," Prof. Tung stressed.

Concerning the Constitutional Council, Dr. Nguyen Van Manh said that the draft is still vague. This council must be independent and must have the jurisdictional functions to meet the practical needs in Vietnam.

As an independent agency, it will not only look at the documents of the National Assembly but also has the right to rule on violations to the Constitution in legislative, executive and judiciary activities. If this agency only has the rights to make advice and recommendations, it has no power in fact.

Linh Thu