VietNamNet Bridge - To depict a portrait, nothing is better than black and white photos. American photographer Robert Anderson came to Vietnam to take expressive black-and-white portraits of the Vietnamese people.



Robert Anderson is a freelance photographer with more than 30 years of experience. His first photos were usually landscapes. He traveled throughout the United States to capture the natural landscape and the countryside.

He then moved to capture the city life with famous photos depicting big cities at night. He then decided not confine himself to certain subjects but recording anything he liked.

Robert can take a photo of anything, from a quiet street in the evening to a truck running through, graffiti on the wall... All of them contain a private beauty through his lens.

Robert enjoys black and white photos and his idols are famous photographers whose names are attached to black-and-white photography. That is why a large number of his works are black-and-white category. However, his color photos also inspire viewers.

Let's admire his black-and-white pictures depicting the colorful life of the Vietnamese people:


























































Dan Tri