VietNamNet Bridge – Phu Quy Island off mainland Binh Thuan Province is a must-visit destination to tourists thanks to its rich culture and beautiful scenes of mountains and beaches.



Sunset at a fishing wharf on Phu Quy Island


Locals say about 300 years ago, people from the central provinces of Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Quang Ngai and Quang Nam sailed their boats to the island to settle down and developed a culture of unique values on the island.

Phu Quy has many beautiful sites, including Trieu Duong Bay, and Doi Dua, Ganh Hang and Doc Cai beaches. Visitors can trek up 108 meters to Cam Mountain and discover one of the biggest lighthouses in Vietnam on the mountain’s peak. They can learn about lobster catching on Tranh Islet and shark fishing on Hai Islet.

The island is also renowned for its historical relics dated back to 2,000 years, like Linh Quang Pagoda and Van An Thanh Temple built to worship a whale which was drifted onshore in 1941. A 17-meter-long bone structure of the whale is now on display at the temple and locals gather at the temple every year on the fifteen day of the first lunar month for the whale’s death anniversary.

Tourists in HCMC can take coaches operated by some popular transport firms such as Phuong Trang, Mai Linh, and Phuong Nam to Phan Thiet City and then to take a six-hour boat trip to the island. Usually, there are daily boat trips to serve travelers depending on the sea or high tides.




Locals worship a whale’s skeleton at Van An Thanh Temple




Linh Quang is the biggest and the most beautiful pagoda on the island