Anti-Corruption Law

Update news Anti-Corruption Law

Extending anti-corruption fight to private sector enables fair business environment

After years of debate, the revision of the anti-corruption law was adopted last month with near-complete approval from the National Assembly, extending the fight against rampant corruption in the country’s private sector.

School of law launches anti-corruption master training program

While the heads of the Hanoi National University (HNU) affirm the importance of the anti-corruption training program, state officials are still concerned about the curriculum and job prospects of graduates.

Power embezzlement must be prevented

Le Thanh Van, a standing member of the Finance and Budget Committee of the National Committee talks to the newspaper Tien Phong on the need to highlight the idea of transparency in the Law on Anti Corruption. 

NA fear tax levy might legalise corrupted money

The National Assembly debate on the draft amendment to the anti-corruption law on Thursday was thrown into confusion as the deputies failed to agree on how to handle the suspicious unreported wealth of a public servant.

Fight against corruption requires accountability mechanisms

Luu Binh Nhuong, a permanent member of the NA Commission for Social Affairs, speaks to the newspaper Kinh te & Do thi on imperative of feasible strategies to win the fight against corruption.

Transparency a key to tackle corruption

 VietNamNet Bridge – Pham Trong Dat, director of the Office of the Government Inspectorate, discusses key measures for verifying asset declarations by senior government officials with Tien Phong (Vanguard) newspaper.

Citizens should be well aware of rights

 VietNamNet Bridge – If the State and citizens are not well aware of their responsibilities and obligations, “the tolerance for corruption” by chance will become a prolonged practice.

Vietnam aims to require business executives to publicly declare assets

Like state high-ranking officials, leaders and managers of credit institutions, investment funds and non-state public companies will have their assets controlled once the amended Anti-corruption Law takes effect.

Anti-Corruption Law to change

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nguyen Tuan Anh, deputy director of the Government Inspectorate’s Legal Department, spoke to the newspaper Tuoi Tre (Youth) about proposed changes to the 2005 Anti-Corruption Law to make it more effective.

Fine-tuning Vietnam’s anti-corruption law

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Government Inspectorate is collecting opinions from Ministries and sectors to fine-tune the draft revised anti-corruption law.

Gov’t urged to follow money trail

 VietNamNet Bridge – Professor Le Viet Khuyen, a member of the Association of Viet Nam’s Universities and Colleges, spoke to the newspaper Khoa hoc & Doi song (Science and Life) about the fight against corruption in higher education.

Recovering corrupt assets a struggle

VietNamNet Bridge – Dinh Van Minh, Deputy Director of the Government Institute for Science and Inspection, spoke to the newspaper Tien Phong (Vanguard) about possible changes to the 2005 Anti-Corruption Law.

Corruption fight needs more legal ammunition

VietNamNet Bridge – In October the Vietnam National Assembly will discuss how to make the fight against corruption more effective, Le Nhu Tien, Vice Chairman of the NA Committee on Culture, Education, Youth and Children told Tien Phong newspaper.

Doubt cast over public officials' extra incomes

VietNamNet Bridge – Nguyen Thanh Hai is a 32-year-old engineer working for a State-owned construction company in Ha Noi. He is paid a monthly salary of VND10 million, which is considered an average wage for someone in his position.