VietNamNet Bridge – The city’s authorities have just launched an international art photo contest themed Pride of Hà Nội.


Hoan Kiem Lake in March. — VNS Photo Truong Vi

The contest focuses on two main topics: messages on Thăng Long-Hà Nội’s thousand-year-old culture as a heroic capital, a city for peace and Hanoi in the process of integration and development; and the beautiful moments of elegant and civilised Hanoians.

Participants can send black and white and coloured single photos or groups of photos (five-eight photos in each group) taken in Hanoi. Each competitor can send up to two works.

The organisers will receive entries between November 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 at these websites: or

In July 2019, the jury will select short-listed entries for an exhibition and awards. The awards ceremony and the exhibition will take place between October 1-10, 2019 in Ly Thai To Park in Hoan Kiem Lake.

The contest is open to Vietnamese and foreign individuals, organisations, amateur and professional photographers, Vietnamese living in and outside the country as well as foreigners living in Vietnam.

“We hope the contest will gather valuable photos to introduce to domestic and foreign tourists a general picture on history, culture and culture of residents in the capital with a thousand years of development,” said Do Kim Oanh, deputy head of the organising board.

“The photographers will record beautiful moments to express their pride in the city, which is energetic with the new rhythm of life but always maintains elegance and civilisation,” she said. 

Source: VNS