VietNamNet Bridge – For artist and sculptor Pham Sinh, his latest solo exhibition is a page in the journal documenting the unforgettable moments of a great journey.


Emotions: Mua Thu Chin Duom (Ripen Autumn) by Pham Sinh.

“This is the remnants of beings, of emotions of individuals, in their daily life, with concerns sorrows, as well as happiness,” he said.

Entitled Converse the Journey, the exhibition includes 45 large-scale acrylic-on-canvas paintings. These are the result of the artist’s hard work, a milestone in his artistic career.

“Converse the Journey is the title of a book I’m working on, a chronological career diary, art included – paintings are also a type of emotion journal.”

According to the artist, all humankind and nature are together on the journey to the future, all on the blue sphere spaceship in the vast, infinite, mysterious space. Each of us are only a dust particle, a sand grain, a tiny moment on that great journey.

“We converse with each other, with everything, and with ourselves. These conversations are at times sweet and full of love, and at other times, bitter and painful, lonely and miserable. Yet regardless of the situation, we have to move forward together to the future, it’s a journey full of mutual and individual emotions.”

The exhibition will run until Saturday at the Viet Nam Fine Arts Museum, 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Hanoi. 

Source: VNS