VietNamNet Bridge – The National Assembly (NA) reviewed State Budget revenue streams dating back to 2011, identified a series of shortcomings in the capital disbursement process and discussed changes to the country's project bidding law during its busy fifth session in the capital yesterday, June 20.


The National Assembly yesterday adopted three laws and two resolutions.


The lawmakers thoroughly reviewed State Budget management and urged the Government to more strictly and quickly respond to any violations and report the findings to the NA as soon as possible.

Chairman of the NA Committee for Finance and Budget Phung Quoc Hien presented a report compiled by legislators regarding the State budget in 2011.

In the document, they raised concerns about the slow disbursement of funds from the State Budget to cities and provinces, creating delays in construction and infrastructure projects. They also criticised subsequent inappropriate capital allocation and inaccurate State calculations about the requirements of State construction projects.

A number of lawmakers hit out too at miscalculations made about the amount to be received by the State Budget in taxation.

While some said these mistakes were due to unpredictable changes in the national and regional economy, most deputies argued that this was no excuse for the wide scale errors.

The Prime Minister issued a directive in 2011 to strengthen the management of construction projects and improve capital allocation by raising funds through the sales of government bonds. However, these ambitious investment reforms will take years to be thoroughly and effectively implemented.

The NA Standing Committee asked the government to continue supervising the strict implementation of recommendations from the State Auditor.

Bidding law

On the same day, NA deputies also discussed the revised law on bidding for construction projects. Many of them agreed with proposed new regulations to undertake the bidding process online, making it simpler and more transparent. They emphasised their commitment to combating corruption and improving the efficiency of bidding activities.

Deputy Dao Van Binh said the revised law must be clear and ensure that the new online bidding process generate healthy competition between bidders while saving money and time.

Ha Sy Dong raised concerns about the security of information in online bidding and called for the NA to make sure the new regulation is carefully considered before being adopted.

Nguyen Van Cuong asked the NA to reduce cases in which State companies are requested to enter the bidding process in a further bid to add transparency. He conceded that designated bidding should still be implemented in extreme circumstances, for example when responding to the effects of natural disasters or war.

The NA Standing Committee will consider the proposed amendments to the law and reach a decision in the time to come.

The National Assembly yesterday adopted three laws, including legislation on dispute reconciliation at the community level and changes to the Residence Law and Article 170 of the Enterprise Law.

The law on dispute reconciliation at the community level with 33 articles and five chapters defines regulations and policies of the State on reconciliation activities at the grassroots (villages, hamlets or residential quarters), as well as outlining the process of reconciliation and responsibilities of agencies and organisations during the process.

Reconciliation is aimed at helping individuals, groups or families who have disputes with each other settle their disagreements. The law will take effect at the beginning of January next year.

The amendments and supplements to some articles of the Residence Law will also take effect at the beginning of January. These five articles are related to residence registration.

The amendments and supplements to Article 170 of the Enterprise Law regulate re-registration of foreign enterprises that were established prior to July 1, 2006. This law will take effect in August this year.

The NA also adopted two resolutions including the assembly's supervision programme for next year and Government-level negotiations and agreements on free migration and marriage without legal certificates in the border area of Viet Nam-Laos.

The on-going session of the NA is planned to close today.

Source: VNS