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Major General Le Minh Manh, Deputy Director of the Department of Cyber ​​Security and Prevention of High-Tech Crime at the Ministry of Public Security.

“The use of high technology in exam cheating is very complicated. Some countries have used AI in exam cheating, and devices are now designed to be located right on the sole of the shoe," said a representative of the Ministry of Public Security.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Ninh province, emphasized that organizing the 2024 high school graduation exam is a particularly important task, especially since this will be the final exam under the 2006 general education program.

The number of candidates in Quang Ninh increased by 2,000 compared to last year. To minimize cheating, the province has checked all houses near exam sites, reduced wifi usage during exam days, and restricted truck traffic to ensure safety.

Ms. Hanh also expressed concerns about misinformation on cyberspace, urging the National Steering Committee for High School Graduation Exams to proactively review and handle any false information that could cause public confusion.

Major General Le Minh Manh, Deputy Director of the Department of Cyber ​​Security and Prevention of High-Tech Crime at the Ministry of Public Security, stated that there has been coordination between public security and education sectors in preparing for the exam.

The Ministry of Public Security has conducted training to detect high-tech cheating devices, but some localities do not fully understand the importance of security measures, such as the requirement that candidates' belongings be stored 25 meters away from the exam site.

“The use of high technology in cheating is very sophisticated, with some devices now designed to be in the soles of shoes. Detecting these devices is increasingly difficult, so examination councils need to strengthen training in recognizing high-tech devices,” said Major General Manh.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong, Head of the National Steering Committee for the 2024 High School Graduation Exam, affirmed that preparations are in place to organize the exam safely and seriously.

He emphasized the importance of following procedures and regulations strictly while creating a thoughtful, considerate, and friendly exam environment. Localities are encouraged to support candidates, ensuring that no student misses the exam due to economic difficulties or geographical distance.

Thanh Hung