VietNamNet Bridge - The rice fields of Tu Le are exceptionally beautiful at harvest time, especially from a high vantage point. Some photographers climb trees to capture their subject; others find it necessary to hike up mountains. But one has found a way that provides both a great vantage point for pictures and a simultaneous sense of exhilaration: the parachute.

Below is a series of pictures by Thang Soi, a member of the Vietwings Hanoi Paragliding Club.



Tu Le Valley, located between the three mountains of Khau Pha, Khau Than and Khau Song.


This is one of the destinations of photographers and tourists during the harvest season.


Tu Le is rated as a nice and easy-to-reach destination compared to other terraces in Vietnam.




You can go to the town of Van Chan, center of Muong Lo field, along Highway 32 to Mu Cang Chai, and before passing the Khau Pha mountain pass you will see Tu Le.






Previously, photos of Tu Le terraces were usually taken from the hillside, a mountain or a tree.







But Tu Le is much more wonderful from a parachute.






















Source: TT&VH