VietNamNet Bridge - Ninh Thuan is known as the driest area in the country, but it also has many little-known beautiful unspoiled beaches. Visit here once and you will be attracted by the unusual scenery here.



The wild blue beach at the foot of Mui Dinh lighthouse. 






Hon Chong (Chong Islet).






On the coastal road from Phan Rang to Nha Trang, you will see many stunning beaches. The first is Vinh Hy Bay, which is crowded with ships and is becoming increasingly popular with tourists.






The strait between cliffs and green coconut trees in Vinh Hy has attracted many people.






A beautiful road with the mountain on one side and the sea on the other side, between Phan Rang and Nha Trang.






Beautiful curves with high mountains, deep sea and white clouds.







The pristine Bai Chuoi (Bananas Beach)…





... with white sand and blue waters.







There are many small unknown beaches along the way.







Nuoc Ngot (Freshwater) Beach also attracts many visitors.







Bai Binh Chau makes most visitors want to jump into the rushing waters and walk on soft sand.






Binh Chau Beach is very beautiful but remains little-known.