
The market will be organized on a provincial scale, with 10 areas including: stage area; the area introducing OCOP agricultural products and typical products of Hoa Binh province; the booth of the Center for Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion to advertise Hoa Binh’s potential and strengths, and the booths of the districts of Tan Lac, Cao Phong , Lac Son introducing their economic and cultural achievements and typical local products; the booth of Mai Chau district; culinary area; the rural market; the outdoor play area; the commercial area and a number of other areas.

At the market, there will be handicraft demonstration activities; cultural exchange; introducing local culture; traditional folk games; art performances....

At a recent meeting, Hoa Bin officials discussed and agreed on the work of communicating images of the upcoming fair to tourists inside and outside the province; the number of booths; the work to ensure security and order, fire prevention, environmental sanitation, food safety for the event.

The Organizing Committee recommended that the Provincial Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Center to coordinate closely with departments, branches and units to well prepare the event, pay special attention to the elements of national cultural identity in cultural and artistic performances, folk games, craft demonstrations... at the fair. The Organizing Committee will carefully check every detail before the opening of the event.

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