On the morning of September 5, Chair of Binh Phuoc Province Tran Tue Hien met with Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi, Consul General of India within the framework of a visit to promote cultural exchange and trade promotion activities between India and Binh Phuoc.
Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi, Consul General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, recently paid a visit to Binh Phuoc province to promote cultural exchange and trade promotion activities between the two sides.
Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi highly appreciated the province's development potential, especially in the fields of cashew production, processing, and high-tech agriculture.
To continue concretizing the cooperation between the two countries, the Indian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City is ready to support Binh Phuoc in organizing trade promotion activities with the participation of Indian businesses. In addition, with strengths in the automation industry and information technology, India will prioritize support for personnel training, technology transfer, and particularly short-term training of human resources in health and education for Binh Phuoc.
Binh Phuoc Chair Tran Tue Hien thanked the Consulate General of India for the attention and support in terms of facilities for education and organization of cultural exchange activities in Binh Phuoc. She said that the cooperative relationship between Binh Phuoc and Indian states has had positive developments but trade and investment promotion activities are still modest; the number of Indian businesses investing in Binh Phuoc is still low; and trade connection between the two sides is still modest.
Through this visit, Binh Phuoc Chair Tran Tue Hien hoped that Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi would specifically consult on investment needs, helping the province develop appropriate policies to attract more Indian businesses to survey and invest in Binh Phuoc province.
As for the invitation to participate in the largest trade fair event of the year to be held by India in November, she asked specialized agencies to consider, develop specific plans, and create favorable conditions for businesses in the province to promote their products combined with trade and investment promotion in potential markets like India.