VietNamNet Bridge - In recent years, Bkav has made shocking statements, from the desire to become "Vietnam’s Microsoft", "Bkav is the best anti-virus software in the world", “going ahead of Microsoft, Google, and Samsung for a decade" and most recently its declaration of manufacturing the smartphone that is better than iPhone 6.

Let’s review the "explosions" of this domestic technology company named Bkav.


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A photo on the Internet which is said to be Bkav BPhone.

This is the information released by Bkav about its launching ceremony of its smartphone this May.

Vu Thanh Thang, Bkav deputy chair, said the product BPhone is researched and manufactured by BKAV in the OEM (original manufacturer) mode, similar to the way of Sony, Apple, Samsung. And what makes Bkav most proud is the inscription on BPhone: Designed by Bkav. Made in Vietnam.

Bkav expects to sell millions of phones within the next 1-2 years.

Thang said that smartphone Bkav "is one of the most beautifully designed smartphones in the world".

“We are 10 years ahead of Microsoft, Google, Samsung.”


Smart home Bkav.



SmartHome is represented in Vietnam with the concept of a smart home integrated with media services, household electrical devices, allowing homeowners to monitor or have remote access.

There are many companies in the world that have provided solutions to monitor and control the smart home. Big companies like Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Apple and Bkav also participate in this market.

In the seminar "Bringing IT- telecommunication applications into life" took place in late 2014, a representative of Bkav said, the smart home systems in the world today are mainly in the Home Automation group. The highest level of SmartHome - Connected Home will need a few more years to become popular.

Meanwhile, Bkav has achieved this level, by offering a complete solution for Connected Home with  differences from others.

"This is the factor for Bkav to state that it has gone ahead of Microsoft, Google, Samsung ... by five to 10 years," Director of Bkav SmartHome said.

Who is the real Internet "giant" in Vietnam?


BKAV CEO Nguyen Tu Quang.


In May 2013, Internet resources report of the Vietnam Internet Network Information Center said that Bkav was the domain name queried the most in Vietnam.

Each month Bkav had 2.6 billion visitors, higher than the total amount of the domain name queries of both Google and Facebook (2.4 billion/month (1.4 billion for Google and 1 billion for Facebook/month).

Mr. Nguyen Tu Quang - Bkav CEO said: "This number really means to all of us. At that time, we said to each other: Who was the real Internet "giant" in Vietnam?"

Shortly after that, the IT world revealed Bkav CEO’s tricks.

According to experts, the number of queries of Bkav domain name compared to Google and Facebook cannot be compared because they are different.

The queries for Bkav domain name are the results of automated queries from the Bkav antivirus software installed on computers using this software.

Trend Micro is very outdated! The comment was made by Nguyen Tu Quang at the launching ceremony of Bkav Internet Security 2013 antivirus software.

Earlier, at an event on network security, a Trend Micro representative said that buying antivirus software at this point was wasteful as security software firms were passive in updating viruses spread on the internet.

Asked by reporters about this view, Quang said that this was a shocking statement of a business officer of Trend Micro.

He said that this is the opinion of someone who did not understand technology. Trend Micro was obsolete, unable to cope with the the present hazards, he said.
