VietNamNet Bridge – While fishing near the Me Island in Tinh Gia district, Thanh Hoa province, a vessel suddenly exploded, throwing seven fishermen into the sea. One of them died.

This morning, June 12, Mr. Nguyen Van Duong, Vice Chairman of Tinh Gia district said the police and border guards were urgently investigating the explosion.

Early on the morning of June 8, the 223CV fishing vessel owned by Mr. Nguyen Van Dung, 30, from Nghi Son commune, Tinh Gia district suddenly exploded and sank about seven nautical miles from the Me Island.

Seven fishermen on board were knocked into the sea and were rescued by another fishing vessel.

Due to the huge pressure from the explosion and from serious wounds, fisherman Nguyen Van Tien, 24 died on the spot. The six remaining men were seriously injured. They are now at the local hospital.

According to the report of the fishermen, the incident was likely caused by gas leak.

The local government has provided the family of each victim with VND5.5 million ($250).

Le Anh