VietNamNet Bridge - Looking at the radiant face of Tan when he said the word "together," we can recognize the simple happiness from this small "nest" of the two men who are in love and always want to be happy for long.

Despite the country's current laws which do not recognize same-sex marriage but the pursuit of happiness is the fundamental human rights and it is protected by laws. Thus, the families of same-sex couples are no longer uncommon in Vietnam.

VietNamNet does not criticize or support, but we will learn about all aspects of the life of homosexuals to give our readers better understand about them.

Many happy "families"

Many people believe that gay marriage is something unusual.In photo: The wedding of a gay couple in Kien Giang province.
Leaving home at the age 18 to start independent life, Hoang tried to study and work hard so he currently has a good job that many people have dreamed of. In addition to the relationship at works and friends, not many people know that Hoang has been living with a gay for many years.

"We have known each other for 6 years and lived together for four years, but only our close friends know about us. Our friends all understand and sympathize with us so there is nothing for worrisome. The two families also know but we are adults so our parents do not monitor our lives anymore," Hoang said.

In addition to their work, Hoang and his 'lover' often travel together to change the air and to live in romantic atmosphere. Hoang said he was looking forward to have same-sex marriage recognized in Vietnam to reassure to build his “family.”

Hoang said if the law does not recognize same-sex marriage, he would still live with his “lover” but he wished the society to open up a little to regard homosexuality as a normal sex.

Unlike Hoang and his lover, Thanh Tam and Thu Huong choose a flower shop as a place to build their 'cosy nest.'

As one of the several lesbian couples who have openly been living together for nearly 3 years, they have had a lot of good memories together. Both attended the same university. After a long period knowing each other, they decided to live together and work together at a flower shop.

Referring to the early days of fighting for the love of two people against their families, Thanh Tam said: "That day our parents severely opposed it and they threatened to break off with us. They also tried to persuade us but finally they had to accept our love.”

Tam said she loves her parents but she could not live different from her true self and her heart. “Now it is important to live well so that our parents do not regret for accepting us," Tam added.

Unrecognized but still durable

Many people think that the love of gay people is often not durable and less faithful. However, there are many gay couples though not being legally recognized still living together happily for years.

Through the introduction of a long-time friend, I went to the room of two men in Go Vap District, HCM City. For a long time, close friends have known that Tan, a healthy young man with a stable job has lived with his gay lover very happily for over three years.
caption: A gay wedding held in Ha Tien (Kien Giang province).

Welcoming us very warmly, Minh Tan, 30, was not afraid to talk about her relationship with his 'lover' for over 6 years.

Tan said: "We happened to know each other through an online forum for gay people. A few months after the meeting, we dated and then moving in to live together. It has been 6 years but our relationship is still very good."
Seeing our surprise for the long period that they lived together, Tan smiled and said: "6 years? 10 years, 20 years would be the same. People need a lifetime to love each other."

Tan said since they lived together, the couple also quarreled or took offense against each other but they have never “hurt” their lovers. On the contrary, after each quarrel, they further understood and 'trusted' each other.

When we wondered in not seeing his partner at home, Tan said: "Today he goes to work but he is about to go home. Perhaps he drops by the market to buy food for the dinner. We are going to cook together."

Looking his radiant face when Tan spoke the word “together," we could recognize the simple happiness from this "nest" for the gay couple who always wanted to be happy for long.

Leaving the "family" of Tan, we knew that: whether it is legally recognized or not, we cannot stop gay people living together as husband and wife, when that relationship comes from the feeling of communication, sharing and love.

Hieu Minh