VietNamNet Bridge – British historian Tim Doling will deliver a talk on Nguyen Dynasty and its architectural heritage in HCM City on May 17.


Researcher Tim Doling. — Photo

The talk will mark the release of Doling’s book, Exploring Hue.

Doling will explain why Hue City was chosen as the imperial citadel four times among nine succeeding imperial moves throughout the Nguyen dynasty (1802-1945).

He will also talk about the Chinese community in Hue and the Buddhist institutions here as well as the various kinds of architecture in the city and its vicinity.

Doling has been mostly living and working in Vietnam since the 1990s.

He has researched extensively on culture and arts in Asia, Europe and Africa. He is the author of The Railways and Tramways of Viet Nam (2012) and Exploring Ho Chi Minh City (2014).

The talk will begin at 6pm at Salon Saigon, 6D, Ngo Thoi Nhiem Street, District 3, HCM City. It will be conducted in English with Vietnamese translation. Tickets are ranged from VND100,000 to 200,000. 

Source: VNS

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