VietNamNet Bridge – The 10,000 Bridge Software Engineer (BrSE) programme will help provide Japan’s IT companies with young Vietnamese talents, said Japanese ambassador to Vietnam, Hiroshi Fukada.


The ambassador made the statement at a recent meeting with FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh to discuss cooperation in IT human resources between FPT group and Japanese businesses.  

Mr Miyamoto Akihiko, a representative from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) said the Japanese Government have always welcomed outstanding IT engineers from Vietnam and those trained under the BrSE programme, and hoped that Vietnamese bridge engineers will help strengthen friendship and cooperation between the two nations in several realms in the time ahead.

The first engineers trained under The BrSE programme are expected to graduate in June 2016. Currently, many large Japanese businesses are willing to receive them.

Japan is now implementing major projects such as My Number and technological projects to serve 2020 Summer Olympics in Japan, which will open up huge opportunities for Vietnamese businesses.

Source: VOV