Flow of FDI to HCM City up 56.7%


Ho Chi Minh City attracted US$574.71 million in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first quarter of 2017, a year-on-year increase of 56.7%, according to the municipal Department of Planning and Investment.

The city granted investment certificates to 141 projects with a total investment of US$133 million and 42 existing projects with a combined capital of over US$89 million. Besides, it approved 401 foreign investors’ registration to contribute capital, purchase shares and buy back financial contributions from the city’s firms to the tune of US$352 million.

Malaysia topped the city’s FDI sources with over US$44 million (33.3% of the total), followed by Japan with US$29 million (22%) and the Netherlands with US$16 million (12%). Information and communications sector was the top sector, luring US$51.77 million, or 38.7%, as much as 3.1 times over the same period last year.

The municipal Planning and Investment Department has launched an online investment registration system for foreign investors who want to contribute capital to firms in the city. After five months of operation, the system received 432 documents. The second phase of the programme will include other procedures.

Regarding domestic investment, more than 7,900 new enterprises with a total registered capital of VND99.4 trillion (US$4.3 billion) were licensed by the city, up 14% and 61.7% respectively over corresponding figures last year.

Vietnam seeks to land spot in Argentina retail big leagues

In Argentina, the Coto Supermarket chain is one of the big retailers along with Disco, Jumbo and the French mega-chain Carrefour, where consumers can find cosmetics and home goods alongside groceries.

The Trade Office in Buenos Aires has recently disclosed that it is in negotiations with representatives of Coto hoping to land a supply contract to get Vietnamese goods on the shelves of the major retailer.

Vietnam’s top brewer Sabeco tops up profit goal for 2017

The company expects its annual sales to rise 3% against last year.

Vietnam's biggest brewer Sabeco is aiming to push sales to more than 1.7 billion liters this year, an increase of 3% against 2016, in a bid to raise its annual revenue by 9% to VND34.5 trillion (US$1.52 billion) and net profit by 1% to VND4.7 trillion (US$207 million).

The state-owned company also plans to raise its dividend payments from 30% to 35%, as agreed by its board of director.

Those targets will be put on the table at a shareholder meeting on April 18.

Company bosses said that price cuts on ingredients, a preferential tax policy on malt and stable market growth in rural areas, where Sabeco is the most competitive, are the reasons for the more positive targets.

Sabeco, known for the Bia Saigon and 333 brands, is also preparing for fiercer competition on the domestic market following Belgium’s Anheuser-Busch InBev entry into the Vietnamese market.

With the special consumption tax on beer and wine raised from 55% to 60% on January 1 this year, and set to climb to 65% in 2018, as well as a labeling regulation that's still under discussion, Sabeco is concerned that the at production cost for each beer bottle will be rise by VND200.

In its financial statement released last month, the brewer reported VND30.66 trillion in revenue last year, up 13% from 2015, and a profit of VND4.6 trillion (US$205 million), a 33% jump.

According to the Ho Chi Minh City Securities Corporation, Sabeco’s beer sales made up 43.3% of the domestic market share last year, a slight decrease compared to 43.9% of 2015. It predicted that the figure will edge up to 43.5% this year.

The trade ministry announced in August last year that it planned to sell its entire stake in Sabeco, according to a government report.

Under the plan, the ministry would have offered a 53.59% stake worth VND24.5 trillion (US$1 billion) in 2016 before Sabeco made its market debut, and the remaining 36% stake worth VND16 trillion (US$705 million) in 2017 after the listing.

However, due to delays, the trade ministry failed to sell its first Sabeco shares as planned.

Deputy Trade Minister Do Thang Hai told local media on Monday that over 641 million shares in Sabeco had been listed on HOSE on December 6 last year at a starting price of VND110,000 (US$4.85) per share.

As of April 3, prices stood at VND200,400 (US$8.8) per share.

Beer consumption in Vietnam rose 12% year-on-year to reach 3.8 billion liters in 2016, according to the trade ministry.

Vietnam is Asia’s third largest beer consumer by volume after China and Japan.

Industry experts expect annual growth of 4% to 5% over the next five years. The country’s annual beer output is forecast to hit 4.1 billion liters by 2020, according to government projections.

Vietnam proposes drastically increasing ‘environment tax’ on petrol

The Vietnamese government is drafting an amendment to the law on environmental protection tax, which includes a proposal to more than double the current tax on gasoline.

The bill, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, suggests lifting the maximum environmental protection tax on gasoline to VND8,000 per liter from the current VND3,000.

Higher tax rates for other fuel products, such as diesel and fuel oil, are also proposed in the draft amendment.

The finance ministry is scheduled to collect feedback for the bill in April and submit a final draft to government in May.

The government will then officially present the bill to the lawmaking National Assembly in June, which will assign various committees to appraise the draft before deciding its fate in October.

The environmental protection tax is intended to solicit resources from the public and increase state revenue in order to resolve environmental issues, according to the finance ministry.

The ministry revealed that revenue from this kind of tax has steadily increased, from VND11,160 billion (US$498.21 million) in 2012 to VND42,393 billion ($1.89 billion) in 2016.

The tax accounted for 1.5 percent to 4.1 percent of the state’s total budget collection, making up 0.3 percent to 0.9 percent of the country’s GDP.

With the tax rate for gasoline likely to more than double later this year, local consumers are worried that fuel prices will soon skyrocket.

A92 gasoline, the country’s most widely used fuel, currently sells for VND17,310 a liter under the VND3,000 environment tax.

Should the new tax rate be applied, the price would rise to more than VND22,000 a liter, according to analysts.

However, Ngo Tri Long, a price management expert, has said that VND8,000 a liter is only the proposed ceiling tax rate for gasoline, and that the finance ministry does not necessarily have to immediately apply it after it is approved.

Even so, the proposed ceiling rate is so high that it will surely impact consumers and the market in general, Long added.

Several regulatory bodies, including the foreign and justice ministries and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry have also expressed concerns about the negative impact the new tax rate will have on the economy.

Long therefore suggested that the finance ministry focus on measures to reduce tax losses in the fuel sector, at a time when the state’s budget is suffering huge losses from smuggled fuel.

DVIZ targets green development     

The Belgium government has always supported investment in projects in Viet Nam, especially support to further pursue green projects, Rudy Huygelen, chief of Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium, said.

Huygelen, attending the celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the Dinh Vu Industrial Zone (DVIZ) and its success as the leading seaport industrial zone (IZ) in Viet Nam, held in the northern Hai Phong Port City on Wednesday, said the Deep C-DVIZ project was a symbol of the firm cooperation between Belgium and Viet Nam.

He said the project is “the largest investment of Belgium in Viet Nam, probably also one of the oldest, and maybe also be the one with the maximum impact on the Vietnamese economy and society.” Development of other expansion projects such as this and green energy projects have also been welcomed by both governments, he said.

Dinh Vu Industrial Zone Joint Stock Company, the company invested by Hai Phong People’s Committee, Rent-A-Port (Belgium) and Infra Asia Investment Hong Kong, has developed and manages the Deep C cluster.

“Partner Rent A Port has a proven track record as a pioneer in the development and exploitation of renewable energy in Europe and particularly Belgium, hence we are convinced we have the correct partners in Viet Nam and we are happy to see this partnership moving to the next level in addition to the development of industrial parks,” he said.

Set up on Dinh Vu Peninsula, a deserted area mainly used for fishery, DVIZ is different from other IZs as it started with no land, no power, no water supply and no access road; only with the vision of exploiting this premium and strategic location as the centre of a transportation hub.

“Over the last two decades, DVIZ has drawn US$3 billion investment from 70 multinational companies from Japan, Germany, the United States and Viet Nam, as well as Singapore and South Korea. Prominent investors include Bridgestone, JX Nippon Oil & Energy, Idemitsu and Shin-etsu, as well as Chevron, PVOil, IHI and Nippon Express, along with Yusen, Knauf, C.Steinweg and Flat Group. DVIZ has created more than 10,000 direct and 50,000 indirect jobs in the industrial service sector, contributing to the country’s rapid industrialisation,” Nguyen Van Tung, chairman of the municipal People’s Committee, said.

DVIZ created the precedent to confirm feasibility of building on the sea and has become the symbol for port and industrial development in Cat Hai-Lach Huyen, in which DVIZ/Deep C is also a major player. Expanding to south Dinh Vu (Deep C HP II) and Cat Hai (Deep C HP III next to Lach Huyen Deep Seaport), DVIZ is a good starting point for the Deep C Industrial Cluster of over 3,000ha at the centre of the city’s mega infrastructure, which is the most strategic location in north Viet Nam.

Taking the initiative for sustainable development of the city and the country, the main shareholder of the Deep C/DVIZ project is undertaking green energy projects, including green power generation from renewable energy sources, generation of water from the sea and generation of electrical energy from waste, which is today left unexploited.

On the same day, a number of co-operation MoUs were signed between Rent-A-Port and the city for “green” projects, including research on the development of a green industrial cluster in Hai Phong, research on green energy production supply to industrial zones and research on wind-powered water treatment in Cat Hai to supply 400 cu.m. per day clean water to 4,000 residents of the island in the beginning stage. This is a pioneering project in Hai Phong and can be duplicated in other provinces with water shortage. Both parties will partner to request for 4.5 million euros Official Development Assistant from the Belgian government to fund this project.

Another MoU was signed between Daiwa House Viet Nam and DVIZ stating co-operation in finding prospective investors for DVIZ and its expansion. Daiwa House is Japan’s largest firm in real estate and construction, while Daiwa House Viet Nam has operated since 2012. The co-operation promises increased presence and participation of Japanese investors in the city for its strategic development. 

Q1: Binh Dinh province attracts 12 new projects     

Central Binh Dinh Province has attracted 12 domestic and foreign investment projects to economic zones in the first quarter of the year, provincial People’s Committee Chairman Ho Quoc Dung said.

Good implementation of land clearance measures and investment promotion were responsible for this development, Dung said.

Notably, there are four projects investing in the Nhon Hoi Economic Zone with total capital of VND1.3 trillion (US$57.8 million), bringing the total number of projects in the zone to 55 so far, with total investment reaching VND36.6 trillion.

All industrial zones in the province have to date lured 228 projects with total registered capital worth VND11.1 trillion, of which 65 per cent has been disbursed.

Dũng added that the province’s construction and industrial production value in the first three month of the year increased by 8.95 per cent year-on-year to VND2.79 trillion.

The chairman said in the near future, the province would boost trade and investment promotion to encourage enterprises to invest in fields such as home furniture, seafood processing for export, textile and garment, and industrial feed processing.

Support to households, cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises to develop traditional handicraft would continue to further satisfy demand for export and consumption, he added. 

HCM City market stabilisation programme a success


The market stabilisation programme for essential goods in HCM City has contributed to ensure social security and meet consumer demand, especially from low-income earners, over the last 15 years, according to city authorities.

Initiated in 2002, the programme aimed to stabilise prices of essential goods during festival seasons such as the Tết (Lunar New Year) holidays, when demand for these items usually increase sharply, said Tran Vinh Tuyen, deputy chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee.

From 2010, the programme was implemented throughout the year, and then expanded to stabilise prices of four commodity groups: food and foodstuffs, dairy products, essential drugs and school supplies from only food and foodstuffs in the initial stage.

Goods supply for the program is steady and abundant at reasonable prices and accounted for a large market share.

The program, therefore, has become an effective tool to stabilise the market, control inflation and ensure social security as well as contributing to the successful implementation of the Politburo Campaign “Vietnamese give priority to using Vietnamese goods” in the city, he said.

Capital allocation for the programme as well as the number of participating enterprises have increased significantly every year, from two enterprises in 2002 to 86 last year.

The programme also contributed to boost the development of trade and distribution infrastructure towards a modern society, according to a report from the city People’s Committee.

As of today, the city is home to 240 markets, 192 supermarkets, 41 trade centres, 900 convenient stores and more than 160,000 small general stores.

In addition, the number of outlets under the programme has also increased from 242 outlets, mainly located in inner city districts, to 10,552 points of sales covering all 24 districts, providing stable-priced goods to more consumers, including those in outlying districts and industrial and export processing zones.

Sharing his experience of more than 10 years in the programme, Trương Chí Thiện, director of Vinh Thanh Dat Company, which specialises in supplying poultry eggs, said the programme has created good opportunity for producers to access modern retail channels.

In addition, it also helped connect domestic firms to establish a wide distribution system, even in remote areas, he said.

Taking part in the programme since its inception, supermarket chain Saigon Co.op has invested in co-operatives, livestock breeders and farmers to ensure stable supply, hygiene and food safety for the products in its outlets.

After five years participating in the programme, Ho Quoc Nguyen, Central Group Vietnam’s PR director, which owns the Big C supermarket chain, said the programme’s biggest benefit is bringing trust to customers, especially on holidays and Tet when prices usually fluctuate strongly.

Big C will continue to participate in the programme in the coming years to enable more consumers in the city to benefit from the programme, he said.

Talking about the orientation of the programme until 2022, Nguyen Huynh Trang, deputy director of the city Department of Industry and Trade, said the programme will focus on improving market forecasts to help enterprises produce products on demand as well as mobilise all economic resources to participate in the programme.

Developing a commercial infrastructure, raising the efficiency of goods circulation, improving market management to prevent trade fraud and strengthening communication about the programme are among the tasks for the coming years, she said.

Textile, garment industry expo opens in HCM City with nearly 1,200 exhibitors     

The Vietnam Saigon Textile and Garment Industry / Fabric and Garment Accessories Expo 2017 (Saigon Tex 2017) opened in HCM City on April 5, showcasing a wide range of latest machinery and equipment and feedstock for the textile and garment industry.

The 35,000sq.m expo has attracted nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 23 countries and territories, including Belgium, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the UK, the US, and Viet Nam.

It will feature several seminars -- on increasing the value of Vietnamese textile and garment products, investment opportunities in the textile and footwear sector and trade barriers from the free trade agreement between the EU and Viet Nam, today’s global apparel and fashion market, and others.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Phan Chi Dung, director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s light industry department, said textile and garment is one of the country’s highest export earners.

The garment and textile industry earned US$28.5 billion from exports last year, a year-on-year increase of 5.2 per cent, with the US, the EU, Japan, and South Korea being the largest buyers.

But its value addition was low compared to its counterparts in other countries since enterprises mainly did sub-contracting work for foreign buyers, he said.

Another factor is that “we have not developed a supply chain for the industry,” he said.

Le Tien Truong, general director of the Viet Nam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), said there is fierce competition in the global garment and textile market, which increasingly demands higher product quality, more competitive prices and faster delivery.

Vietnamese enterprises need to improve their competitiveness and invest in new technologies to improve their productivity and quality, reduce costs and at the same time reduce energy consumption and protect the environment, he said.

During the past 28 years as well as this year, the organisers of the exhibition have always striven to introduce new generations of machinery, equipment and technology as well as input materials and accessories for the industry, he said.

Dung said Saigon Tex 2017 would offer garment companies a gilt-edged chance to foster relations with foreign enterprises and explore investment opportunities, acquire technologies to increase local content in garment products and improve quality to meet the needs of local and international buyers.

This would add value to Vietnamese garment and textile products, contributing to the development of the industry, he said.

Organised by the Vinatex, VCCI Exhibition Service Co., Ltd, CP Hongkong Exhibition Organisation Co., Ltd and CP Vietnam Exhibition Organisation Co., Ltd, the exhibition at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre will run until April 8. 

HNX issues derivatives market rules     

The Ha Noi Stock Exchange has issued its membership regulations for derivative market trading, which is scheduled to start operation in the second quarter of this year.

Pursuant to Decree 42/2015/ND-CP, dated July 1, 2015—which lays out the legal framework for trading derivative securities in Viet Nam—there are four types of members, including trading member (securities companies), special trading member (commercial banks), market maker and clearing members.

Only Vietnamese entities can become trading members.

To become a trading member, securities firms must be licensed by the State Securities Commission with a certificate of satisfaction of conditions for derivatives brokerage, while a commercial bank must have the central bank’s approval on investment in derivatives and be a member of the Government bond market of the stock exchange in order to be a special trading member.

It must not be in the process of a consolidation, merger or dissolution, it must not be under control or special control of any Vietnamese authority; and its operation must not be subject to suspension or temporary suspension. A firm also must meet requirements of charter capital, owner equity and business results.

In order to be a market maker—who is entitled to create a market for one or more derivatives on the basis of a contract with the stock exchange—securities firms or commercial banks must satisfy clearing member conditions.

Clearing member can clear and settle transactions for their own account and for its brokerage clients.

In addition, members must satisfy the stock exchange’s requirements on IT infrastructure and professional rules for derivatives trading.

On March 24, the Ha Noi Stock Exchange issued regulations on membership of the derivatives market, with detailed requirements on IT infrastructure and application procedures.

According to the new rules, securities companies and commercial banks need to have their IT infrastructure connected to the stock exchange and ensure connection with the stock exchange’s derivatives trading system.

They also must install software to serve registration procedures, transactions, settlement. Securities firms must have websites to disclose derivatives trading as well as information of companies.

For entities whose membership is terminated by the stock exchange, the time needed to re-register is two years in case of voluntary termination and three years in case of compulsory termination.

The regulation also stipulates rights and obligations of members. Securities firms have the right to receive the information provided under the contract signed with the stock exchange while banks can connect and perform transactions on the stock exchange’s trading system as well as use the services provided for special trading members.

Applicants to become market makers must test the function of listing prices and sign contracts with the stock exchange and register account for market makers.

In addition, the new regulations provide details on reporting regimes and disclosure requirements for each type of member, as well as settlement disputes and punishment for violations.

“With this regulation issue, legislation related to market members has been basically completed and ready to open its door for derivative market operation,” the northern stock exchange said in a statement.

After 16 years of operation, the domestic stock market has only stocks, bonds and fund certificates commonly traded. The establishment of derivatives market is expected to provide modern products for investors and boost the local market toward greater development.

80 VN firms participating in expo in Myanmar     

More than 80 Vietnamese firms are participating today in the 2017 Viet Nam-Myanmar Trade-Service-Tourism Expo in Yangon City, Myanmar.

The firms are exhibiting products in processed food and agriculture, consumer utensils, textiles and garments, as well as electronics, footwear, chemicals and interior décor, along with pottery, handicrafts, construction materials, industrial machines and equipment.

Besides marketing Vietnamese products to Myanmar consumers, the firms also expect to find partners for setting up a distribution network in Myanmar.

Nguyen Tuan, deputy director of the HCM City Investment and Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC), the expo’s organiser, said a conference on sharing information and experiences in doing business and investment in Myanmar will be also held on the sidelines of the expo.

ITPC will also organise fact-finding trips for the Vietnamese firms to Myanmar’s construction materials supermarkets and Bago’s agriculture produce market.

The expo is on until Sunday.

According to the Viet Nam General Department of Customs, two-way trade turnover between Viet Nam and Myanmar last year rose 26 per cent against 2015 to US$548 million, of which Viet Nam’s export value was nearly $462 million, up 22 per cent against 2015.

A report from the Myanmar Department of Business Investment and Registration showed Viet Nam ranked seven among 49 nations and territories, with projects totalling registered capital of $2 billion invested in Myanmar. 

D-AGROTECH 2017 to open in HCM City     

Some 150 domestic and businesses will showcase organic products at an international exhibition on digital agriculture and organic products in Viet Nam.

D-AGROTECH 2017, a three-day event, will be held at the Phu Tho Indoor Sports Stadium, HCM City, from July 14 to 16.

The exhibition will have more than 200 booths on organic foods, materials, technologies on production and harvesting, as well as processing, preservation and distribution. It will be an opportunity for businesses to seek partners, develop markets and share experiences in digital agriculture.

The exhibition, organised by Asia Trade Fair and Business Promotion Holdings, is expected to attract over 50,000 visitors.     

Vietnamobile continues to eye young customers     

Vietnamobile Mobile Telecommunication JSC, now in its eighth year, is continuing to target young customers with a slew of programmes.

Elizabete Fong, its CEO, said during a media interaction in HCM City to mark the eighth anniversary, “With experience gained in many markets around the globe by the Hutchinson Group, our strategy is to enhance the user experience to meet their diverse needs."

She said new services such as Mobile TV, the high speed Youtube package, Voice 4 Teen, and a fun game called Drappy (using actual enhancement technology) that offers users prizes are being launched.

Besides, the company is also thanking loyal customers by giving VND888,000 worth of inter-network connections to 88 selected subscribers who have been using the service for eight years.

More than 500 selected stores nation-wide selling sim cards will also receive special gifts.

Following Vietnamobile’s conversion to a joint stock company with Hong Kong’s Hutchinson Group picking up a stake in October 2016, the company has seen many positive developments.

Vietnamobile has rapidly upgraded its 3G network coverage and quality nation-wide.

On Thursday it announced that its 3G services now cover 100 per cent of the central city of Da Nang.      

HCM City supports newly-established businesses

The HCM City Tax Department on Wednesday officially launched a programme to support newly-established businesses and put into operation website http://www.hcmtax.gov.vn designed to support the businesses.

Trần Ngọc Tâm, director of the department, said this was one of the key tasks of the department in realising the Government’s Resolution No 35/NQ-CP, dated May 16, 2016, on support and development of enterprises.

The goal of the programme was to ensure newly-established businesses including startups did not face difficulties due to lack of tax information, he said.

The website is expected to serve as a channel to collect information related to tax problems that the enterprises experience, which will help improve the efficiency of State administration in taxation-related issues, Tâm added.

The programme will save time and costs for enterprises, save taxpayers a lot of trouble and minimise tax violations by providing information on tax policies, guidance on tax procedures and tax consultation on using e-invoices and online tax declaration and payment.

Ngô Tuấn Vũ, director of 247 Online Solutions Company, said if companies received detailed and clear guidance from tax authorities from the early days of their establishment, they would be certain of properly fulfilling their tax obligations, enabling them to focus resources on production and business.

The tax administration should continue to simplify administrative procedures, assisting firms from their start-up stage to contribute to overall economic development, Vũ said.

Sử Ngọc Anh, director of the municipal Department of Planning and Investment, emphasised that non-State enterprises would be the main source of economic growth in the future.

The Department of Planning and Investment has committed to prioritising and simplifying business establising procedures as a "birth certificate" for individuals and is implementing a "green door" mechanism to realise the commitment.

In the time ahead, the department will coordinate more harmoniously with tax authorities and business associations through the exchange of electronic information to create favourable conditions for the enterprises.

Starting April 5, the newly-established business support programme officially kicked off at the HCM City Tax Office and five tax offices at districts 1, 3, Tân Bình, Tân Phú and Bình Chánh.

It is expected that from now until the end of April 2017, the programme will be implemented in tax offices at all districts and communes in the city, so that businesses can visit any office for advice, information and consultations on issues related to tax procedures for free.

Mekong Delta has good economic governance

The Mekong Delta has been evaluated as a region having good economic governance since the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) was first announced 12 years ago, heard a workshop.

The People’s Committee of Vinh Long province and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) branch in Can Tho city held a workshop in Vinh Long on April 5 to analyse the PCI 2016 in the delta.

In 2016, Dong Thap ranked third nationwide in the PCI. Other localities such as Can Tho, An Giang, Ca Mau, Tien Giang, Ben Tre and Soc Trang also witnessed improvements.

Vinh Long, in particular, recorded 62.67 points in the PCI, ranking second out of the 13 Mekong Delta cities and provinces and rising from 19th to 6th sixth place nationwide.

According to Secretary of the provincial Vinh Long Party Committee Tran Van Ron, the province has focused on improving the investment climate and administrative reform.

Director of the VCCI Can Tho Vo Hung Dung said the PCI is an effective tool to manage the local economy because localities with PCI ranking improvements have seen better economic growth.

Head of VCCI Legal Department Dau Anh Tuan said the Mekong Delta performed well on the PCI due to easy access to land, quick administrative procedures, a fair business environment and proactive provincial leadership in solving problems for enterprises.

However, entrepreneurs expect the region to further improve labour quality and administrative procedures while increasing consultations with businesses to tackle difficulties, he said.

The Mekong Delta spans 40,576 sq. km and has 13 cities and provinces, namely Can Tho, An Giang, Ben Tre, Bac Lieu, Ca Mau, Dong Thap, Hau Giang, Kien Giang, Soc Trang, Long An, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh and Vinh Long.