cancer risk

Update news cancer risk

DNA prostate test 'will predict deadliest cancer risk'

 DNA testing can predict which men face the highest risk of deadly prostate cancer, scientists say.

Research shows reducing unnecessary CT scans in kids could cut future cancer risk

 Reducing the number of unnecessary and high-dose computed tomography in children could lower their overall lifetime risk of future imaging-related cancers by up to 62 percent, a U.S. study said Monday.

Women hail 'brave' Angelina Jolie's mastectomy revelation

 Health activists, doctors and movie fans hailed glamorous Hollywood megastar Angelina Jolie for her decision to reveal that she had had her breasts removed to reduce her cancer risk.

Eating deep-fried food associated with increased risk of prostate cancer: study

Regular consumption of deep-fried foods such as French fries, fried chicken and doughnuts is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, and the effect appears to be slightly stronger with regard to more aggressive forms of the disease,