VietNamNet Bridge - 38 photos taken by painter and photographer Nguyen Quoc Dung featuring the charming beauty of Vietnamese women in the Ao Dai (traditional gown of Vietnamese women) were recently on display at an exhibition in Hanoi. Below are some photos introduced at the exhibition:

Photographer Nguyen Quoc Dung

Một khúc xuân.

Niềm tin.

ve dep phu nu viet qua ta ao dai trong vuon xua

Thả ước mơ.

Mưa thu.

Niềm tin.

Thoáng heo may.

Vườn xưa.

Xuôi dòng.

Ngày xanh.

Gót thu.

Chiều cố đô.

charming beauty of vietnamese women in ao dai hinh 9

Thanh Van