A health worker sprays infectant to disinfect the school where the first case of chickenpox is studying

Yen Bai Province in the Northern region reported that the chickenpox epidemic is spreading in some schools in this locality. A third grade student at Tan Thinh Primary and Secondary School in Yen Bai City - the first case - was discovered with mild fever and blisters appearing on the abdomen and back. The school where the first case is learning recorded 11 students infected with chickenpox on March 18.

At the same time, some schools and residential areas also discovered cases of chickenpox. From March 4 until now, some districts such as Yen Binh, Luc Yen, Tran Yen, Van Chan, Mu Cang Chai and Yen Bai City and Nghia Lo Town in Yen Bai Province have recorded 140 cases of chickenpox.

Currently, the epidemic is still transmitting amongst both children and adults. The disease kills a 42 year old female patient in Nga Quan Commune of Tran Yen District who had a diagnosis of chickenpox and ARDS pneumonia (acute respiratory distress syndrome), and multiple organ failure.

According to family members, the patient had a history of cerebral aneurysm 2-3 years ago. Nearly a month ago, this patient was tired and had scattered blisters, intermittent fever, sore throat, and pain in the lumbar spine but she still went to work normally.

The patient had to go to Yen Bai Provincial General Hospital for examination and treatment with the initial diagnosis of acute pharyngitis and increased liver enzymes on February 28, then she was also diagnosed with chickenpox complicated by super-infection. Therefore, the woman was transferred to Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi for treatment but died on March 6.

Immediately after the report of the first death due to chickenpox, the Department of Health of Yen Bai Province issued a document requesting chickenpox prevention, promptly detecting cases, and not allowing it to spread further as it may break out into an epidemic.

According to Director Lai Manh Hung of the Yen Bai Provincial Center for Disease Control, although chickenpox is usually a benign disease and almost all patients recover uneventfully, it can cause dangerous complications which lead to death or leave sequelae.

Epidemiological experts note that if a student has chickenpox, he or she should be absent from school for 7 to 10 days to avoid transmitting the disease to classmates. Moreover, those with symptoms of frequent coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, or lethargy should immediately go to the nearest medical facility for treatment.

As SGGP Newspaper reported before, due to the impact of changing seasons and humid weather, a chickenpox epidemic has also been transmitted amongst some 75 students and teachers in schools in Lao Cai Province.