On September 24, the Thai Binh Provincial Police disclosed details about the emergency detentions and searches concerning the magazine's Editor-in-Chief.

Based on ongoing investigations and crime reporting, on September 23, the Criminal Police Department of Thai Binh Province issued emergency detention orders, and emergency search warrants for the residence, workplace, and personal vehicles of the following individuals:

- Mr. Dong Xuan Thu (born 1972), residing in Lang Ha ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi - Editor-in-Chief of the Vietnam Urban and Environmental Magazine, office located in C1 Thanh Cong building, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi.

- Mr. Bui Van Toan (born 1980), residing in Chuong Duong ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi - Head of the Economic Department, Vietnam Urban and Environmental Magazine.

- Ms. Cao Thi Thu Huong (born 1989), residing in Ta Thanh Oai commune, Thanh Tri district, Hanoi - Accountant, Vietnam Urban and Environmental Magazine.

- Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuyen (born 1989), residing in Vu Chinh commune, Thai Binh city - Reporter, Vietnam Urban and Environmental Magazine.

Furthermore, on September 24, an emergency detention order was issued for Mr. Nguyen Tat Trien (born 1978), residing in Tran Lam ward, Thai Binh city, a reporter, to investigate alleged criminal activities related to extortion as stipulated in Article 170 of the Criminal Code.

These orders have been officially approved by the People’s Procuracy of Thai Binh Province.

The Thai Binh Provincial Police are currently directing the Criminal Police Department to urgently gather evidence, consolidate case files, initiate prosecutions, and conduct further investigations to strictly handle the suspects in accordance with the law.

Bao Khanh