VietNamNet Bridge – China will work closely with Vietnam to effectively implement the agreements reached during President Truong Tan Sang’s current visit to China.

Vietnam, China hold high-level talks

Vietnam, China agree on oil and gas exploitation in Tokin Gulf



Vietnam and China agree to resolve sea-related issues through peaceful means.


Premier Li Keqiang made the commitment while receiving visiting Vietnamese President Sang in Beijing on June 20.

Li hailed the results of the June 19 talks between President Xi Jinping of China and President Truong Tan Sang of Vietnam, which he said will help lift bilateral relations to new heights.

Both host and guest exchanged specific measures to reinforce political trust through increasing cooperation and friendly exchanges at all levels between the two countries.

They agreed to promote mutually beneficial cooperation, especially in economics and trade to bring this relationship to a new level.

They said Vietnam and China will cooperate closely in realising their 2012-2016 economic and trade cooperation plan, while expanding cooperation in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing and support industries.

Li and Sang agreed to foster Vietnam-China cooperation in infrastructure construction connecting the two countries with a focus on implementing the Pingxiang-Haiphong-Hanoi expressway and Hanoi-Lao Cai-Haiphong express railway line projects.

They also agreed that both countries will take effective measures to achieve balanced, healthy and sustainable trade growth, so as to raise their two-way trade to US$60 billion ahead of the 2015 schedule.

Sang proposed that China create favourable conditions for Vietnamese products, primarily agro-forestry and fisheries, to penetrate its mainland, and sign governmental-level contracts to import its essentials from Vietnam.

He appreciated Vietnam-based Chinese investment in infrastructure construction, transportation, and manufacturing and support industries, especially big projects using advanced technologies.


President Sang (L) proposed increasing parliamentary links between the two countries during a meeting with Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the China National People’s Congress.


Both host and guest held that relevant ministries and agencies of the two countries should newly sign or supplement existing agreements to expand the scope and scale of their economic and trade cooperation.

Regarding sea-related issues, Li and Sang agreed to maintain contact and dialogues to properly resolve pending issues through peaceful means, in line with the common consensus reached by the two countries’ top leaders as well as international law and the basic principles guiding the settlement of sea issues between Vietnam and China.

They proposed that relevant ministries and agencies of Vietnam and China early establish a hotline to address issues that arise from fishing activity at sea for the sake of the friendly relationship between the two countries.

President Sang invited Premier Li to visit Vietnam, and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.

The same day, President Sang met with Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the China National People’s Congress.

The same day, President Sang met with Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the China National People’s Congress. They concurred that the legislative bodies of Vietnam and China should maintain regular high-level visit exchanges to share experience in legislation and encourage their governments to realise signed agreements, especially the action programme on implementing the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership.

They hailed the role the Vietnam-China and China-Vietnam friendship parliamentary groups play in strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples.

They hoped the two legislative bodies will further increase coordination at regional and international parliamentary forums to ensure the validity and high performance of international treaties to which both countries are parties.

President Sang invited Chairman Zhang to visit Vietnam at an appropriate time, and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.

Also on June 20, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.  

Source: VOV