VietNamNet Bridge – Chinese games firms have been penetrating the Vietnamese market underhand through different ways.


All games distributed illegally

KoramGame, known as a subsidiary of Kunlun, is one of the best known Chinese games firms that distributes Chinese games illegally in Vietnam. After the company’s operation was unmasked by the local press, the firm has put its products under a company named CENS. It has also set up a new firm, Vietking Games which has been distributing many other games.

KoramGame has been trying to hide the contact address and the information about the distributor. The only thing it makes public for gamers to contact is the mobile phone number 0932365xx shown on the website. Meanwhile, the notices about the recruitment showed that its head office is now in Tan Binh district in HCM City.

Another Chinese big guy which has games products illegally distributed in Vietnam is the Tuyet Pham JSC headquartered in district 5 of HCM City. This is a subsidiary of Chang You belonging to SOHU Group.

Turning up in 2010 and possessing a lot of game products, but Tuyet Pham does not distribute games directly on the market, but it has been cooperating with some domestic games portals to market its products, including the game with the Vietnamese name The Chien I on sohagame portal.

Vietnamese gamers might also be familiar to Tien Tich, Nhi Chien Phong Van and Wartune games from Lemon Game, also a big Chinese games distributor.

Most recently, the Vietnamese gamers’ community has discovered the appearance which sets up its head office in Hanoi. The firm is now distributing Vung Dat Thu Linh Rong and Tien Ngao Tay Du games.

Experts have noted that except KoramGame which has been penetrating the Vietnamese market through noisy campaigns, other Chinese firms have been quietly entering the Vietnam, or have been making hectic preparations to conquer the market.

What do Chinese games firms do in Vietnam

The Chinese games firms, since the day they turned up in Vietnam, have been playing a lot of tricks to create an unhealthy competition.

KoramGame, for example, in an attempt to lure more Vietnamese gamers, have bought all the keywords relating to game names on Google. When users type the words on Google to search for information, they would only find the names relating to the games of KoramGame.

A lot of domestic firms complained that their games, which still have not come out, have been exploited by the other distributors to advertise their products. Especially, Chinese firms have been trying every possible means to lure gamers, including showing the sensitive images on the homepage or teaser, ad banners.

Analysts have warned that Chinese games have brought big threats, because the games have not been censored by the competent agencies. Some Chinese games have been used for the political purposes.

VNG Company, for example, had to close up Chinh Do Game it once distributed, because the Chinese partner put the cow tongue line into the latest updated version of the game.

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