Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping have underlined the importance of consolidating the traditional friendship between the two Parties and countries in the new context.


Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Ha Noi, November 5, 2015. 

During their talks on Thursday, the two leaders agreed that the traditional friendship between the two countries, built and nurtured by President Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong, is the valuable common asset that should be maintained, inherited and promoted.

Both sides agreed to maintain high-level exchanges, consolidate political trust, accelerate cooperation in economy, trade, investment in an effective, balanced and healthy manner while expanding cooperation in science and technology, education, culture, tourism.

They also agreed to coordinate in effectively realizing three documents on land borderline management, accelerate cooperation in border areas, work together to effectively control and satisfactorily settle differences at sea so as not to let them affect the stable and healthy development of the bilateral ties.

Party leader Trong affirmed that Viet Nam always attaches importance to maintaining the friendly relations with China.

He took the occasion to highlight major orientations to further deepen the bilateral ties in the time to come.

Firstly, the dual sides should maintain high-level contacts, enhance political trust, effectively beef up cooperation mechanisms and people-to-people exchanges, fruitfully deploy joint cooperation programs as agreed, further promote the role of the Viet Nam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, strengthen cooperation in such important fields like diplomacy, defense, and security.

Party General Secretary Trong invited Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi to attend the APEC Summit in 2017.

Secondly, both sides should foster cooperation in various fields in a substantial, balanced and effectively manner. High-ranking leaders pay due attention to direct inferior levels to strictly implement the common agreements and perceptions as agreed.

The Vietnamese Party chief thanked China for pledging to grant RMB 1 billion for Viet Nam’s projects on construction of schools and hospitals over the next five years.

Thirdly, the two countries should control differences well, maintain peace and stability in the East Sea, respect each other’s legitimate interests; strictly implement the common perceptions and agreements of the two countries’ high-ranking leaders; and take no actions to further complicate, expand disputes, or intensify tensions.

Party chief Trong asked China to work with Viet Nam to take the lead in serious and full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and develop a Code of Conduct in the East Sea. China was requested not to pursue militarization of the East Sea.

He urged the two sides to effectively and substantially realize negotiation mechanisms for sea-related issues, actively discuss and seek basic and long-term solutions that both sides mutually accept.

President Xi stressed that the Chinese Party and Government attach importance to consolidating and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Viet Nam.

The two countries need to enhance political trust, dialogues and cooperation in diplomacy, security, defense as well as people-to-people exchanges in a substantial and win-win manner; respect each other and control differences in order to bring practical benefits to the two peoples, contributing to peace, development and prosperity in the region.

President Xi agreed with Party General Secretary Trong’s aforesaid orientations, saying China stands ready to foster balanced and sustainable trade ties with Viet Nam.

He committed to working with Viet Nam to effectively control differences at sea and maintaining peace and stability in East Sea.

President Xi asked the two countries to enhance coordination at multilateral mechanisms like the UN, APEC, ASEM.

He pledged to work with ASEAN countries to beef up negotiation on a Code of Conduct in the East Sea, contributing to the maintenance of peace, prosperity and development in the region and the world.

The Chinese leader voiced his support for building the ASEAN Community and for Viet Nam to host the APEC Summit in 2017.

After their talks, Party leader Trong and President Xi witnessed the signing ceremony of a number of agreements on personnel training, free travel of ships at the mouth of the Bac Luan river, tourism cooperation and development at Bac Gioc waterfall./.