chinese technology

Update news chinese technology

Recycled waste-to-fertilizer plants left idle, investors flee

A series of plants making fertilizer from domestic waste have been built in recent years with ODA (official development assistance) capital.  And a lot of them, capitalized at tens or hundreds of billions of dong have been left idle.

Ninh Binh Fertilizer overburdened with debts to Chinese Eximbank

The debt worth VND5 trillion with interest rate of 4 percent to Chinese Eximbank has been burdening Ninh Binh Fertilizer. Problems occur regularly at its plant, and the more products it makes, the more losses it incurs.

Vietnamese businesses become ‘addicted’ to Chinese technology

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese investors tend to choose contractors who offer the lowest prices, so Chinese companies usually win the bids. 

Experts warn about threat from Chinese-sourced telecom equipment

VietNamNet Bridge - Since 2010, Vietnam has discovered 172 cases of secrets exposed via the internet, including documents stamped as ‘top confidential’ and ‘confidential’.

Experts, businesses argue about Chinese used technology imports

VietNamNet Bridge - Although the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST) has released Circular 23 on used equipment to be imported to Vietnam, it still cannot put an end to the prolonged debate on the issue.

Does Vietnam want to prevent Chinese technology waste?

VietNamNet Bridge - Scientists believe that Chinese use old refurbished technology for the thermal power plants they have built in Vietnam in an attempt to transfer out-of-date machinery and polluting technologies to Vietnam.

Malaysia builds power plant in Vietnam with Chinese capital

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam lacks capital to build power plants and has called for foreign investment, which analysts say is not the best solution.

Vietnam needs to "wake up" when China changes its policies

VietNamNet Bridge - According to many economists, China is importing many kinds of goods from Vietnam, and its reduction of growth rate needs to be studied and evaluated fully.

Cross-border iron ore smuggling: the real concern

 VietNamNet Bridge - The previous article analyzed the high tax rates on iron ore exports and the impact of tariff policies on mineral smuggling. This article will consider the competitiveness of Vietnamese steel producers.

Why does China win bids so easily in Vietnam?

The recent incident in which two Chinese contractors suddenly abandoned their contracts in VN has aroused great concern. VietNamNet talks with Tran Dinh Thien, Head of the Vietnam Economics Institute, about this issue.

Vietnamese investors regret Chinese technology purchases

Using Chinese production line and equipment, a fertilizer plant of the Ninh Binh Nitrate Company has been taking losses, while eight northern provinces periodically suffer outages because of Chinese transformers.

Hanoians lack clean water, blame use of Chinese technology

Many Hanoians often lack clean water because the pipeline, made with low-cost Chinese technology, often breaks down.

Chinese 1960s’ backward technologies still used in Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam’s power consumption per capita is lower than many other countries, but it leads the countries in terms of the electricity waste.