VietNamNet Bridge – Despite being in his 70s, artist Le Van The can still perform precise, strong and beautiful moves. Even his best students admit that they still have a long way to go to be as good as their teacher. The lessons start with morning coffee that he makes for his students, and then move on to traditional performances.


Flex it: Artist Le Van The (centre) with his students at Viet Nam Circus and the Variety Arts School.

For first-year students, he even kneels or lies on the floor to help students balance and do handstands. There was a time when he was performing with his students in Quang Ninh Province when the stand collapsed. The used his body as a replacement so his students could continue to practise, and his knees still hurt to this day.

“At my age, I would be bored if I just stayed at home. I still have strength and passion so I want to do something for the students. I can’t help much but I also don’t want to waste the experiences that I have gained over the years, they need things like that to use in their own careers,” The said.

Thu Trang remembers the day of her graduation exam when The had a stroke after sitting for two hours in the sun preparing for her acrobatics act. 

Phuong Thao, another of The’s students, shared: “Between us there is no distance between teacher and student; we all think of The as our grandfather. He is strict, but also encouraging, kind and funny, and wants us to grow strong. When I was afraid of the sword swallowing act on the trapeze, he encouraged me: Don’t be afraid, you can do it! Just tell me if you have any problems!”

Circus ’addiction’

Whiping sweat after the exercise, The said: “In my life, I only have two addictions: circus and fitness. I could never give them up while I can still do them.”

The’s homeland is in Hue but he was born and grew up in Thailand. In 1960, he returned to Vietnam.

At the age of 13 he became a fitness fanatic and was a well-known model in Udon, Thailand. He also had a talent for photography, and intended to open a photography shop, but instead he applied for circus course with the Central People’s Circus (1961-1963) and became a performer.

At his peak in 1970, The was the only artist able to perform nine different acts on stage.

Ngoc Hao, who The taught the “Truong Son Hammock” act in 1986 – a performance which won silver medal at the National Circus Festival 1987 – said: “With The, every time he sees someone with passion and potential, he makes every effort to help, even now he is nearly 80. For me, The is a good artist, and a good teacher.”

Speaking about his worries and desires for the future of Viet Nam Circus, he said: “My desire is for Vietnam’s circus industry to continue developing. There are still difficulties facing its development in the country, and the school has to compete with other types of performing art."

"We used to have many experienced performers, but now there are not many left, and circus performers now are relatively unknown. The only thing I can do now is to teach the next generation with all that I have and hope they will grow from what I have taught them,” he added.

Ngoc Tram

Source: VNS

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