constitution 1992

Update news constitution 1992

Positive signs for LBGT community

 VietNamNet Bridge – It took only a few minutes for Jessica, 26, a transgender woman, to pass through the customs gate at Noi Bai International Airport.

NA deputies discuss Constitutional Council

VietNamNet Bridge – Establishment of a Constitutional Council and local administration model were brought into sharp relief at the National Assembly Deputies' second-day discussion on draft amendments to the Constitution 1992 yesterday.

National Assembly agrees amendments

 VietNamNet Bridge – The leadership of the Communist Party of Viet Nam was confirmed by National Assembly deputies at the plenary discussion on draft amendments to the Constitution 1992.

Communist Party’s leadership must be constitutionalized

VietNamNet Bridge – The role and the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam must be constitutionalized and is suitable with the people’s will and aspiration.