VietNamNet Bridge – The International Beauty Artists Contest 2018 presented entrants with a chance to learn more about their profession, beauty trends around the world and the experiences of South Korean experts.


Contestants perform their skills in tinting during the contest. — VNS Photo Minh Thu

Nguyen Duc An, 22, said as much when he won the top prize at the contest held on Tuesday in Hanoi.

The prize for runner-up went to Hoang Thi Dung from Bac Giang Province.

This is the first time Vietnamese and Korean beauty centres and salons have joined hands to organise the event with aim to create chance to upgrade skills for Vietnamese beauty artists in the field of tinting and sculpting for eyebrows, eyelashes and lips.

The contest attracted 120 beauty artists nationwide to join.

The jury included plastic surgery specialist Kim Yun-ho, Park Jeong-geun, Choi Moon-seop and Vanessa Lee from South Korea, and Khai Dat and Luong Huyen Trang from Vietnam.

Tran Thanh Thuy, head of the organising board, said there is a great demand for human resource in the art of facial tinting and sculpting in Vietnam.

More and more people find facial tinting as the way to help them become beautiful and confident, and not spend much time for make-up.

“It is estimated that the number of 2,000 spas and beauty salons in the whole country and new ones mushrooming require about 10,000 employees for this field,” said Thuy.

“In my opinion, this is the attractive occupation for a young workforce. They certainly should upgrade their professional skills and update new trends.”

On the occasion, Thuy connected many directors of beauty salons and cosmetic surgery centres nationwide to establish an association for beauty artists.

“Organising the contest is a platform to connect people working in the field. In the near future, we want to organise free workshops to train and bring them knowledge and experience to become more professional.”


Nguyen Duc An (second left), 22, won the top prize at the International Beauty Artists contest. — VNS Photo Minh Thu

Source: VNS